The police turn on water cannon in order to klimaatactivisten from the Centre to drive away while the Royal patricks day celebration take action
The police turn on water cannon in order to klimaatactivisten from the Centre to drive away while the Royal patricks day celebration take action

Brussels –

the ‘Extinction patrick’s day celebration, the “hard core” of the klimaatjongeren, held the Saturday of their ‘Royal rebellion’-take action, close to the royal palace. That is, they wanted a minimum of 24 hours, to occupy the klimaaturgentie to complain to, and to the political authorities to take action. In addition to the group, which is located in the Square had gathered, and there was a group of us formed close to the place des palais. Briefly, after 16 hours, it was a group of activists were arrested by the police. At around 17: 45 the police started with the eviction of the Square.

finally, at About 19.15 hours, almost all of the activists who were at the Centre of the square and driving in the area of the shot. According to the initial estimates of the available police force, there are between 300 and 400 protesters were arrested. They are all in different groups in the city and are waiting to be transferred to the barracks of the federal police force in sint-jans-molenbeek. They will be there for up to twelve hours to be released.

Earlier in the afternoon, put down the police, the water cannon in. There’s also the pepper spray is used.

Earlier in the day there were also a few of the dozens of activists were arrested when they tried to go to the square and the gardens of the royal palace to enter. “It’s going to be a few tens of people,” says Olivier, Slosse, director of the police in Brussels, belgium. “Because they are intended to have the gardens to enter, the police had to intervene. There was also tear gas is deployed.” These people will have a few hours to be kept, the rest has been restored.

the Assemblies

Photo: Photo in the News < / P> Extinction patrick’s day celebration was two weeks ago, calling for a line-up of the gardens of the royal palace, in order to take part in themed assemblies about how Belgium is in response to the climate crisis. These royal gardens are located in the neutral zone, where demonstrations are banned.

at The Brussels police department was also provided with a line-up of the gardens to avoid it. For example, the outputs of each of the royal park, the royal Park, on the edge of the place des palais, closed in and had a lot of agents are called. That led the activists into the Square, where they are collected. It’s going to be a few hundred people.


the ‘Extinction rebellion’ by a Telegram, a mobile app for encrypted messages, a channel is created where all the important announcements about what is going to occur. “If you or someone you know is arrested, call us or send us a message and one of our ondersteuningsnummers”, provides, amongst other things. “Write these numbers on your arm or leg. Know of anyone who has been arrested, helping us to provide support.”

Photo: Photo in the News < / P> to Protest against Bolsonaro

the ‘Extinction patrick’s day celebration’, a movement that consists of radical ecologisten, which calls for non-violent actions of civil disobedience. More recently, they are still in the front of the Brazilian embassy, was plastered with paint as a protest against the president, Bolsonaro and his lack of action against the burning of the Amazon rainforest.

on Friday, a delegation of the peace activists will be received by the principal private secretary to the king, and reported to the Palace.


now, > it’s the government, the climate and the ecological state of emergency is out, and the need for rapid transformation of our economic system which recognizes the.

> the government set up a comprehensive, legally-binding National climate action plan, read the input, and extractei of fossil fuels by 2025, afbouwt, and that it gives priority to the restoration of the biodiverstiteit, and the preservation of our natural environment.

A citizens ‘ forum of our region’s communities have the resources and the authority to provide for a controlled transition to a more equitable post-groeisamenleving.

Photo: robin becker Picture: Photo of News Photo: a Photo of News Photo: a Photo of News Photo: EPA, EFE (Photo: EPA, EFE (Photo: EPA, EFE (Photo: ISOPIX Photo: Filip Rogiers (Photo: EPA, EFE, Photo: for Photos: for Photos: robin becker (Photo: EPA, EFE is More about klimaatprotest 130 klimaatactivisten picked up in Amsterdam, Jane Fonda was arrested, famous for her protests against the war in Vietnam, now, she, for the climate vision-impaired klimaatactivist climb on a plane at a London airport for Two weeks, “the international rebellion” (for the climate of the home: dozens arrested in Amsterdam, London, Sydney and Wellington.