In 2017 in our country 41.169 skin cancers diagnosed, according to the most recent data available, of the Foundation for the cancer registry. This is an increase of 1.927, or almost 5 per cent compared to the previous year. The number of melanomas diagnosed has increased from 3.062 in 2016, and to 3.361 2017 (+10%). Compared to a decade ago, “only” 1.702 Belgians are affected by this. That is reported by The News on Thursday.

The increase is a result of the ageing of the population, but also by the fact that there are a lot of more is tested. This is due to the intense public awareness campaigns over the past few years. “As much as people want to allow themselves to be screening is that the waiting lists, over-crowded hit,” says dermatologist Thomas Maselis. Patients may need up to four months and to be patient.

At this point, one Belgian out of the six skin cancer face before the age of 75 years. A speedy recovery is not in sight, the risk will be another year of 3 per cent will continue to rise, expect the experts. “With these figures, you can be sure that a skin cancer epidemic form,” says Maselis.

The good news is that the number of deaths due to skin cancer are not increasing, partly because of the tumors, once identified, are faster to be treated.

More about skin cancer, people are included with the tweedegraadsbrandwonden by the heat of a Blonde child with blue eyes? A higher factor of lubrication, There are of potentially dangerous substances in the cream,” skin Cancer in Belgium: an increase of 350% in 12 years