now, After nearly nine months in prison, the Famous politician, Melikan Kucam, provisionally released by the court. The man was in his home town will be treated to a party by his family and great many friends. Kucam got the flowers and the cake.

Kucam, an assyrian christian from the Eastern part of Turkey, continues to be suspicious of people. He would have been, thanks to the good contacts with the government of the N-VA, state secretary Theo Francken, visa and arranged for a christian Syrian refugees. And he would be up to € 10,000 per visa, have asked for it. Kucam deny that he has enriched features. “It was all I was doing was legal. I looked in the mirror. I’ve got no money,” he told the gathered press.

Kucam was given an ankle bracelet, and will be for the time being with his parents. He has, after all, is a contactverbod, with his wife, and his son, who was also in the file are called.