The new normal knocks the boundaries of coworking
The new normal knocks the boundaries of coworking

Charo Barroso Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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The crisis of the Covid has left for months, empty offices and a new normal where the spaces of work recorded a lower occupancy in order to maintain the safe distance between workers. A situation that has pushed many companies to rent the facilities of coworking that guarantee spaces adapted to telework.

the last report of The “Global Coworking Survey” estimated to be 2.2 million the number of people in 2019 already made use of these spaces all over the world and noted a change of trend: go from being spaces for freelancers or startups to become the headquarters of companies, delegations or departments of open innovation.

Something that you know well Rafael de Ramón, CEO of Utopicus , with 50,000 square meters, is a leading spaces flex in our country, which offer premium services and are located in emblematic buildings with neat architecture. “We are proponents of telework, it is in our DNA and even though the pandemic has become a necessity, there is no doubt that is already part of the future”, said Ramon, for whom it is important that the new law on telework, which drives the Government to guarantee a good agreement between employers and workers that “do not put at risk the implementation of the telework”. To do this Utopicus -that is part of an alliance of companies – will present their positioning and solutions to some of the points of friction arising from the draft law.

Minimizing risk

This expert points out that “areas are needed where they work with quality . In that take into account the ergonomics, the light, a few meters away minimum, good connectivity… and that is something that cannot be guaranteed in the home”. This is why he insists that the flexible spaces are a good solution: “We are noticing a huge demand for medium-sized and large companies that want to be flexible in their jobs, but we are all waiting for how it legislates”.

These spaces have advantages for the companies as a reduction of fixed costs, a contract of lease monthly, as well as the immediacy of the rental. Aspects that, to the experts, will allow them to minimize risks and make decisions more quickly, especially in the future scenarios that are emerging.

Ana Zavala, director national Workthere, the platform of Savills Aguirre Newman that centralizes the demand for search space is flexible, points out that “the last poll of Workthere at the global level to assess the situation of the market of flexible offices in front of the Covid-19 confirms that the claims increased by 40% over the previous month. We notice already the revival but it is too soon”, and points out that it “will depend on the evolution of the demand. The duration of the situation remains indeterminate, and the capacity of recovery of the business activity is linked to both the duration and the effect of the aid measures with the business fabric. The flexible offices are a very interesting alternative because it can facilitate the implementation of contingency plans in the short and medium term, so very quickly, with the sanitary measures necessary perfectly organized by the operators.”

Zavala points out that the sector is expected to host part of the templates to maintain social distancing in the companies. “The demand begins to ask or ficinas flexible outside of the urban areas to avoid that your employees have to use public transport and minimise risks. It is one of the trends that we are seeing in Europe with an increase in the periphery, closer to residential areas”.