The budget cuts in child benefit, which for a family with 3 children (8, 10, and 12 years of age) on an annual basis, so about 280 euros, to continue to elicit reactions. The Gezinsbond has responded all confused. However, David de Vaal, co-ordinator of the Network is to combat Poverty, it is bitter, followed by a vote on the reforms, concerned that the risk of child poverty have increased.

SEE ALSO. So far, the cost of the reform of child benefits, an average family of the “woordbreuk” to “acceptable compromise” (S+)

“The previous reform had a negative effect on the new families that have started to form. The savings to the government — Ham and can be made to see the present, all the major families in need.”

According to The Often this review from all opinions. “As for the family allowance has recently been agreed and was being reformed as a result of a poverty test that is harmful for the group of large families. The poverty test, it was strongly suggested to have freed up the budget to be used to address the situation of overcrowding and to improve it.”