The members of the SGAE approve the bylaw changes and the accounts of 2019
The members of the SGAE approve the bylaw changes and the accounts of 2019

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The members of the General Society of Authors and Editors (SGAE) have approved the statutory amendments requested by the Ministry of Culture and the regulatory changes required by the Ministry itself and the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) in the Ordinary General Assembly held electronically on the day of yesterday.

The ratification of both measures allows to adapt the operation of the SGAE to the legal framework in spain and europe, and is a crucial step in the recovery process of the normal as entity management, which began last April and will culminate on October 22 with the holding of the elections to the organs of government and representation.

yesterday, Thursday, 30th day of July, was an historic appointment with the polls to the SGAE, because, for the first time, 100% of its members, more than 120,000 at the present, could exercise their right to vote. In addition, consistent with the recommendations health consequence of the crisis of the coronavirus, and in an exceptional way, the vote on this occasion has been exclusively digital.

as to the statutory amendments referred to, it was required a majority of more than 3/5 of the votes. In total, 17.107 votes, 14.940 (87,33%) have been in favour, 1.866 against (10,91%) and 301 abstained (1,76%). These changes, which respond to a request made by the Ministry of Culture and Sport in its approval of the statutes on the 22nd of may, accentuate: the flexibility of the partner in the management of their rights in the contractual relationship it has with the entity and in the granting of licenses for non-commercial use of their works, the equality of the conditions of the partners, and the effectiveness in the allocation of rights and the control of the economic resources of the entity.

For its part, the changes in the internal regulations of the entidadnecesarios also to adapt the internal regulations to the current legislation and the requirements of CISAC, were approved by 14.490 for (84,90%), 2.146 against (12,57%), and 432 abstentions (2,53%), out of a total of 17.068 votes. In general, the amendments adopted aim to achieve greater equity and better balance in the distribution and delivery of music played on the tv, optimizing the traceability between the fund and your rights spread.

“The support of these measures on the part of the members of the SGAE was necessary for the upgrade and renewal of the entity. We must continue working to achieve our goal: to create a Society based on the common good, the good practices and plurality. Therefore, it is essential the participation of the partners of this entity in the renewal of organs of government and representation of the Society in the elections of the 22 of October. We must regain the trust of partners”, stated Antonio Onetti, president of the SGAE.

– Approved the accounts and the management of 2019

In its Ordinary General Assembly, held in the afternoon of yesterday telematics, members of the SGAE also approved the management and the accounts for the 2019.

with Regard to the management report of 2019, a total 17.044 votes, 13.286 (77,95%) have been in favour, 2.945 against (17,28%) and 813 have abstained (4,77%).

In the fiscal year 2019, for a total of 17.020 votes, 14.102 (82,95%) have been in favour, 2.239 against (13,16%) and 679 have abstained (3,99%).

279,4 million of revenue in 2019

The entity raised the past year 279,4 million euros, 11% less than in 2018 (314,4). In turn, the SGAE distributed 279,8 million euros in 2019, among its associates and managed, 7.4% less than in 2018 (302,2).

-The DRAMATIC WORKS of the members of SGAE generated in 2019 are a copyright of 11.3 million euros; a figure that, compared with the 11.1 million euros of 2018, reflects an increase of 2.5%. The increase is due to the consumption of dramatic productions in the network of theatres private and important presence in the programming of large shows in the national repertoire.

-The collected rights from the CONCERTS OF POPULAR MUSIC AND SYMPHONY amounted to a total of 29.1 million euros, representing a 7.9% more than in 2018 (27 million). This has been, mainly, by the holding of major national and international tours.

-In regard to the PUBLIC, we have reached 68 million euros in 2019, 2% more than in the previous year (66,7 million). This increase is a result of the indexation of fees and the negotiation and collaboration with different associations and sectoral federations, as well as the organization of various campaigns to increase the licensing and reduce delinquency.

-The copyright from the BROADCASTING AND CABLE, for its part, amounted to 87.6 million euros, a 33, 9% less than in 2018 (132,6 million). The smaller amount of fund becomes, on the one hand, of the defaults in 2019 of the two largest media groups of the country, Atresmedia and Mediaset, and, on the other, so that in 2018 they paid arrears from previous years.

-In the case of the revenue obtained by the sale and marketing of the repertoire of the members of the SGAE in different MEDIA, stood at 4.9 million euros, 1.6% more than in 2018 (4.8 million). Of this amount, 4.6 million correspond to the production of CDs and DVDs of music, which involves a slight increase in sales in the recording industry; something that has not occurred since 2014.

-In which PRIVATE COPYING is concerned, the compensation corresponding to fiscal year 2019 amounted to 11.4 million euros, compared to 11.7 in 2018, which represents a decline of 3%.

-with Regard to DIGITAL RIGHTS, the collection of digital platforms in 2019 has increased by 68,2% with regard to 2018 (11,3), reaching the figure of € 19.1 million. 93.3% of the revenue comes from international services, which operate with a pan-european license. Of these, the music services Spotify, Google and Apple represent 81% of the levy.

-with regard to the rights of an author FROM OVERSEAS, have reached 26.5 million euros in 2019; which represents a decrease of 8.9% (29.1 million) in comparison with 2018. Three are the main reasons for this decline: the rate of change, the tax rate and problems of a technical nature. France, the united States, Italy, Argentina, Mexico, Portugal, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Switzerland represent 80.1% of the total revenues social from abroad.

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