resim 1357
resim 1357

After four days of computer outage, the Laurentian Bank said Thursday that its online banking services were once again accessible.

Thus, after the ATMs had become fully functional again, the bank indicated that access to its online services had been restored by midday.

However, we warned that this access to online services could be “slower than usual depending on traffic”.

Also, it was still possible that “the balance displayed was not up to date for certain customers”, despite the fact that recent transactions on these accounts had “been received and processed by the bank”.

According to the bank’s management, it was a “routine update” in certain computer systems which was the cause of the outage which paralyzed its online services for four consecutive days.

But before it could make its online banking platforms fully accessible, the bank had to catch up on the processing and synchronization of all transactions carried out since the outage began on Sunday.

But this restoration of access to online banking services still seemed incomplete, according to emails received by La Presse from customers of the Laurentian bank.

If customers have late fees to pay, the bank ensures that they will be compensated.

The IT problems come two weeks after the bank announced the departure of its head of retail banking, Karine Abgrall-Teslyk.

Personal banking services are now the responsibility of Éric Provost, who is also responsible for business services.

This organizational change was announced at the same time as the bank indicated that it had completed the strategic review exercise of its activities and that it judged that the best path to follow to maximize value for its shareholders is to accelerate the evolution of its current strategic plan.

The sale was considered during the process, but according to information obtained by La Presse, the proposals received were not considered advantageous for shareholders.

Management also clarified two weeks ago that it intended to pay increased attention to efficiency and simplification to accelerate its strategic plan.