The last Time there was rioting this time ghosts
The last Time there was rioting this time ghosts

Berlin Derby with Urs Fischer – the Last Time there was rioting – this time GeisterUrs fishing on Friday with Union city rivals Hertha Berlin. For the Swiss it is the first game since the Bundesliga restart.Tim Ehrensperger0 KommentareAm loved one, he had three points in the Derby: Union-Coach Urs Fischer.

2. In November 2019. Images from another time. An der alten forsterei, Union Berlin receives for the first Time ever in the Bundesliga, the city rivals Hertha. In The Middle Of It: Unions Rise Coach Urs Fischer. Full stadium – logically, you think there. A peaceful football festival it is not, despite a 1:0-victory for the Union because, for the headlines, the Fans of both camps, even if for negative. Union supporters storm the place, after the Hertha Fans shot Pyros on the field of play scho. The player allows you to appease and prevent a termination of the game.

A good half a year later, before the next Derby, is the positive message: host Hertha and the police currently have no evidence of that on Friday groups of supporters at the Olympic stadium or other places want to gather. Of course, are allowed to 20.30 no spectators in the stadium – ghosts-Derby.

Union-players send at the last Derby in November Masked from the space.BeIn Sports

Urs Fischer sitting in for the first Time since the resumption of the Bundesliga on the bench. Due to a death in the family, he was not for the home game against Bayern (0:2) last week in the stadium. The special importance of the Derby for him is a secondary consideration, because he has only one goal, as he Brandenburg says the Rundfunk Berlin -: “After this long interruption, the bag to close up – this is the most Difficult from my point of view.” The bag is going in Union: the League stop as soon as possible to ensure.

The Iron are four places and seven points ahead of the relegation place. “Not enough for the League’s whereabouts,” says Fischer eight laps from the end. He wants to against Hertha their first victory since may 24. February. And saves with phrases: “passion can move mountains, with these attributes, you can win games. This property embodies our team – that got us a point.” Now you can prove that you can do this without the Fans.

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