a Total of 71.712 unemployed women and men from Hesse have lived in for the past eight years at least seven years of Hartz IV. The request of the members of Parliament Marjana Schott (Left) at the Hessian Ministry of social Affairs revealed. These people have the opportunity, in the framework of the Reform of the part have a chance to be act for a return in the labour market are particularly encouraged.

the Total of currently just under 284.000-employable long-term unemployed in the state of Hesse, Hartz IV, the Federal employment Agency. The highest share (as at June 2018) in Hartz-IV-recipients, the city of Frankfurt (49.572), followed by Wiesbaden (21.589), Kassel (17.302) and the Main-Kinzig-Kreis (17.270). The lowest number of Hartz-IV-recipients of the bird mountain circle recorded 3216 long-term unemployed.