The king is to appoint the former prime minister Charles Michel secretary of state of the State of
The king is to appoint the former prime minister Charles Michel secretary of state of the State of

as King Philippe Charles Michel was appointed as minister of State. The Royal Palace announced on Thursday.

the prime minister, ” Sophie Wilmès (MR), carried by Michel as prime minister of the State. It’s going to be a title where there are no benefits or liabilities to be connected. The funeral of a minister of State with military honours in the presence of a representative of the king.

More about Charles-Michel, François Roux, is chief of staff to Charles, Michel-what is and What should be the new prime minister of Sophie Wilmès actually do it? What Daring Man is behind the net, pulled out, and Sophie Wilmès prime minister was: “For me the glass is always half-full,” Charles Michel, writes a letter, after five years as prime minister: “this is our pride”