Astrid Stockman, was sent home after eight episodes, so it should be everyone’s Monday night a match on Sunday to move up. The newcomer is radiopresentatrice, Sofie Lemaire, who in 2012 wanted series. It was after four episodes, it left the building. If it’s not better at Bazart-the front man Mathieu Terryn, and Flor Decleir?

best prices.

” Erik Van Looy: “according to the new sexual intercourse you can be four months, not to donate blood.”

Barbara Sarafian, “Ah, but can you donate blood if you like, ” Erik!”


Van Looy: “It is quite fascinating to see the way your mind works.”

Flor Decleir: the . “You would have to say that it doesn’t work.”


Jeroen van Koningsbrugge . “what strikes me is that you have a filler to you. You say, after a ‘no’.”

Van Looy (laughs)

the Van Koningsbrugge: “please Note that there is a”

Van Looy: “No.”

The most beautiful moment.

the Actress, She is Buckets and came up with a question to ask, but it could still be a piece of cake to peel off with Eric. She had auditioned for ‘the Loft’, with a sterfscène, however, convinced the director was not in. When she auditietape already. To begin with a lot of drama, and death in her dressing gown. When she asks “Alas, what was wrong with it?” And Yes, Eric. What was now wrong with it?

The winner of Tuesday night.

as a Newcomer, and radiopresentatrice Sofie Lemaire made a strong impression and won 433 seconds.

loser on Tuesday night.

Flor Decleir, started the match at a disadvantage, but Bazart-the front man Mathieu Terryn will soon be in place. I have two answers would be enough to Terryn for sending them home. A black-out and decided to have a different opinion.


1. Astrid Stockman (8 episodes).

2. She Vanwezemael (7 episodes).

3. Philippe Geubels (5 episodes).

4. Sebastien Dewaele (4 episodes).

5 Natalia/Flor Decleir (3 numbers).

The best moments of Jeroen van Koningsbrugge, Barbara Sarafian:

The best moments from the episode:
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