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job offers dropped an average of 70% in Spain in two months to the declaration of a state of alarm as a consequence of the impact of the Covid-19 in the economy, according to a report presented on Wednesday by Infoempleo and Adecco Group which analyzes the 1.4 million job vacancies and more than 400,000 job offers and that also includes a survey of 15,000 companies and candidates.

In particular, between march 15 and may 15, the companies reported only 69.000 job offers , on the other hand with the over 233,000 which was recorded in the same period of 2019.

By sectors, the most negatively affected by the reduction of the offerings during the two months following the decree of the state of alarm were hospitality and tourism (-90,2% deals), consulting (-87,9%), automobile industries (-85,4%) and metal (-84,6%), as well as the wholesale distribution (-84,6%). The offer was also reduced by over 80% in the banking sector and of investment. On the contrary, in the courier companies vacancies increased by more than 150%.

indeed, the profile of the dealer was the one who more offers of employment generated between march 15 and may 15, with 5.3% of all advertised vacancies, followed very closely by the profile of a professor (by 5.2%). With lower percentages appear other professions such as insurance agents, commercial operators, waiters, store workers, cleaning, telemarketers, geriatric assistants, maintenance technicians, and nurses.

The reduction in the generation of offers in these two months affected in a generalized way to the whole of Spain, but especially to the Balearic islands (-82,1%), Catalonia (-77,1%) and Basque Country (-74,8%). Only Extremadura presents a cut of the vacancies below 50% in the two months following the declaration of a state of alarm, with a decrease of 49%.

These data contrast with the results of 2019, the year in which the offer of employment grew by 10.2% with regard to 2018, stringing seven consecutive exercises increases. “The effects of the pandemic, however, has taken its toll with great virulence in our job market,” stresses the report.

according To this report, the economic impact of the health crisis (59,5%), the overall state of the economy (38.7 per cent) and political uncertainty (27,3%) are the difficulties that most fear firms in the current employment context.

This scenario, says the study, is very different to that lived in February 2020, a month before the proclamation of the state of alarm by the pandemic, when the main concerns of the companies were the mismatch between the supply of professionals and the vacancies available (41,5%) and scarcity (35.3%) and retention (27.5%) talent.

On the impact of the confinement on the business activity, five out of every ten companies claim to have reduced their activity between 25% and 75%, while 12.4% has been stable, and 5.5% stated that they have grown up, especially companies in the logistics and transport sector, health and social services, ICT, food and beverage or agriculture.

The remaining 35% of the companies paralyzed by complete your business activity , especially those dedicated to the hospitality industry and tourism, the automotive industry and the trade. In addition, 55.6% of the companies acknowledge having laid off staff in the last three months, being the most common dismissal for cause (by 42.9%).

The 61.3% of the companies surveyed in this report ensures that you are welcomed to a record of temporal regulation of employment (ERTE) before June, a figure that reaches 75% in the construction, 74.1% in industry and 61% in services. The type of ERTE most common has been the total suspension applied to a part (43,2%) or the total workforce (29.2 per cent).

The 45% of the workers interviewed for this study had in June his contract of employment is suspended temporarily. The profile type of worker most affected by this type of measure corresponds to the a person of the category of employees (48,5%), worker of a company in the area of hospitality and tourism (81,8%) and with a type of STRONG total suspension (72,7%).

when Asked about the compliance of the conditions agreed upon in their ERTE, one of every five workers affected by these procedures claim to have worked without leaving the FATE or to have worked more hours than agreed.

The report reveals that neither companies nor workers are optimistic with respect to the evolution of the Spanish economy during the next six months. For 2021, however, the expectations improve.

in Regard to when considering companies that will be reactivated, the report reveals that 30% expected to have resumed his activity before July 2020; whereas 30.7% do so between July and August. For the next autumn, or 2021, the figure stood at 30.5%, while 3.9% were discarded be able to regain its activity.

Likewise, only 29.5% of the companies expected to make new hires during 2020, a figure nearly 61 points lower than February of this year, before the pandemic. Between February and June of this year increased by 40% the plans of reduction of staff, moving from 22.5% to 31.6% as of today. In addition, 15.5% of the companies plan to also apply for or extend your ERTE, especially in industry and construction.

By the next salary, 29.1% of the companies plan to make cuts that will affect, especially, the workers of the services sector (32,4%) and industrial (30.9 per cent).

In the case of telework, excluded companies whose nature does not allow it, the successfully defended 48.8% of the companies ensures that will continue to facilitate this mode in the new normal: 42.1% will do so according to the needs of the company and 17.4%, provided that the employee wants. By the side of the workers, 83% said they would like to have a job that would enable them to telework.

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