The ISIS militant had worked as an interpreter in the asielcentrum and gave the lesson Im going to the Belgians is buried alive in the desert
The ISIS militant had worked as an interpreter in the asielcentrum and gave the lesson Im going to the Belgians is buried alive in the desert

Brussels / Lubbeek / Ten o’clock – < / P> In the court of first instance of Leuven, which are on Tuesday, four suspects, rightly, for the preparation of terrorist attacks in the country. The three men and one woman, all of them muslims, will be considered as active militants of the terrorist organisation, ISIS. The targets were the ministry of Education, the office of the Commissioner general for Refugees and police.

Ahmed, A. S., (31), Ayham A. S., (42), Halil K., (28) and Zeliha C. (34) as introduced in 2017 and from their places of Leuven, Leuven, Tienen and sint joost ten node preparing to commit terrorist attacks in Belgium. She was a member of ISIS, and is working closely with names of the leadership of the terrorist group.

that year, the planned attack on the ministry of Education in Brussels, belgium, office of the Commissioner general for Refugees and Stateless persons (CGRS) in Brussels, and a police department in a choice location. “Easy-to-reach places”, they called it.

Ahmed and Ayham A. S., his brothers, and from, Iraq. Halil, K., and Zeliha C. to form a family with roots in Turkey. Own, the four defendants not to go to Syria or Iraq are drawn to take part in the defence of their own interests. But they did have a whole series of illegal activities, from illegal actions in our country, such as the purchase of arms and the man-made chemical substances.

the Interpreter asielcentrum

Ayham A. S. and worked as an interpreter for the asielcentrum of Lubbeek. To his parents, he is on the phone to know that it is “the Belgians would live to be buried in the desert.” In his home town of Tienen has a lot of respect within the muslim community. In the matter of Basra, in the Iraq-born man to give lessons and to accompany disadvantaged young muslims, and to the public. However, in his vehicle, he was still negotiating for the cheapest price for the kalashnikovs. And he was planning an attack in nitric acid.

investigators intercepted a telephone call Ayham A. S., on september 6, 2017, conducted by his parents in Iraq. “I want to be in the hands of the Belgians, cut off with a knife, and have them buried alive in the desert. Even the Belgians, who have nothing to do with,” he said.

Ayham A. S., gave the financial support to ISIS. “At Ten o’clock, he had a lot of followers”, according to the public prosecutor’s office. “He was using his influence to help vulnerable people to recruit to the cause of ISIS.” In the meantime, the closed asielcentrum in Lubbeek continued his illegal activities to go undetected.

2.235 telegramchats with ISIS is to be found

finally, After months of observation, were on the 11th of October 2017, to conduct a search is performed, immediately followed by the arrest of the two brothers. Halil K. was, in 2018, was arrested in the Netherlands. The arrest by Zeliha C., was recently the location at the airport, even during rush hour. Officers of the antiterreurcel heard of the company, of intensive to get in the car and in their homes.

if you have a search warrant, in Ahmad, A. S. in Leuven in belgium found that the officers no less than 2.235, digital telegramchats to the command of the terror group ISIS. In one of the calls to justify that he is the killing of infidel women and children.

Ahmed, A. S. the public prosecutor’s office described it as “a faithful, a group of militant” by the goddess ISIS. He praised the terror group and imposed on a vast archive of photos and videos of the attacks. He took an online course about how to prepare a suicide attack and the spread of extremist propagandamateriaal to an armed conflict.

At the apartment in Saint-Maartensdal in Leuven, succeeded in Ahmed, A. S. and was able to use their smartphones to block the onslaught of people. He was, during the whole period of the study in order to have access code available to you. That is the research sensitive to delay. The camera is outsourced to a specialist firm in the foreign country. Traces take a lot of time, and up until now, there were no results.

as For the spread of the ideology of ISIS was Ahmad, A. S., use of a variety of pen names. On april 5, 2017 as published in the magazine of ISIS, he has the day after it’s been received personally. The Baghdad-born man was a member of the closed group, and had access to all of the mediavleugel the news agency of ISIS. With his brother he conducted extensive interviews about the ministry of economic affairs.

More about terrorism in Belgium, the Two Belgians were arrested by female Syriëstrijdsters wanted to be free from the prison camps, Certainly 54 the Belgian Syriëstrijders locked up in the northern part of Syria Trial of Nizar Trabelsi in the U.S. will be suspended after the decision of the Brussels-based court, the UN warns: “As of the end of the year, a new wave of terrorist attacks”