The hoteliers ask for compensatory measures after the closures and restrictions in their activity by the flare ups
The hoteliers ask for compensatory measures after the closures and restrictions in their activity by the flare ups

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The hoteliers have urged the tripartite commission on follow-up of the labour agreement of defence of jobs against the coronavirus that implement measures compensatory in nature, both on the business and protection of employment , in the situations of closing or restricting all or part of the activity that are taking place in different points of the geography, as reported by the Hospitality of Spain in a press release.

In particular, the sector has emphasized that the degree of impact of the activity, the destruction of businesses and employment is “maximum” in the present.

Hospitality points out that the circumstances constraining of the activity, restrictions of mobility and the fear of healthcare have been made that the activity will incur, and put in “situation critical” to the industry that includes 315.000 enterprises and 1.7 million employees before the health crisis.

The industry estimates that over 65,000 business clients will disappear this year, while the loss of employment could be between 900,000 and 1.1 million jobs, between direct and indirect. All of this, he now adds the “serious crisis” economic derived from the pandemic, which has resulted in a crash-added of the consumption of households and businesses.

The innkeepers remembered that today they are giving you flare-ups that have led to several regional governments to enact the limitation, and even the closing, of activities that affect the hospitality industry as well as in eight municipalities in Lleida (region of Segriá), including in the capital, and the municipality of Totana, in the Murcia Region. In both cases, claim closures catering establishments, forcing the business to close and bring all the workers to the FATE.

In this context, the sector points to the need to implement concrete measures in defence of jobs, always situations of closing or restricting all or part of the activity.

In this way, request a review of the system of implementation of measures of support for employment, both for employees as for self-employed persons, and extend the 100% protection in all enterprises for the duration of the closure decreed, complementing the coverage that the RDL 24/2020 of June 26 was established in the first additional Provision, 2.

The industry also calls for appropriate to the coverage of self-employed persons , as applied to the periods of total closure enacted during the state of alarm.

finally, the hoteliers alike are returning to claim the Administration “constant communication and fluent” with the sectors of activity, as well as “joint planning and forecasting”, at the time of determining the restrictions of the cities.

“better planning could avoid taking measures such as closures of activity and, therefore, would avoid having to take these compensatory measures to alleviate the impact so hard that it is receiving the sector”, reiterated from the sector.