The hard challenge of being the new office in the distance
The hard challenge of being the new office in the distance

Charo BarrosoMadrid Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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In the alarm state, premiered at the telecommuting to companies and employees that have had to change their habits and adapt day to day to the peculiarities of working in remote. And if this outside little, the cohesion of the team and the addition of new employees also face the challenge of the distance . “Joining a new job always creates anxiety or uncertainty, and if there is no reinforcement, face-to-face can cause more insecurity,” says Helen Thomas , professor of Economics and Business of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and an expert in occupational health and psychology.

In this sense, it highlights the importance of that in the company there is a good leader who cohesione the team and guide new employees by offering tools to socialize and avoid isolation. is Eva Rimbau , also a professor of Economics and Business, suggests that video conferencing or the chat channels help to make up for the lack of physical contact . He adds that they serve to raise questions, give guidance, and, above all, to avoid the isolation of the new employee. Suggests that another way to welcome you can be a guide, in the form of a text document, tutorial or webinar: “Something similar to what they were before the manuals of the host. Are good practices that should be implemented”. Both experts believe that the period of adaptation of new workers will be more long . “The autonomy of the new worker at the beginning will be lower. It is necessary to give a time for the person to just incorporate learn their tasks, their tools, their partners…”. And in it, they point out that the person who exerts the leadership plays a key role both at the time of establishing pacts on the way to work, in the welcome of the new member of the team and the cohesion of a virtual group.

Planning and clarity

Carlos Viladrich , director of Human Resources of the Adecco Group, acknowledges that although there is a progressive increase of new hires, the return of workers affected by ERTES absorbs a part of the employment in the process of recovery. However, he notes that “it has been able to verify that the selection processes in remote viability and reliability. Even the administrative process of recruitment can be performed with solvency”. Now, acknowledges that the process of induction of the new worker in the company presents greater difficulties : “it is Not a constraint for new hires, but the feeling of belonging or acceptance is very different. It is not the same to live with peers who see them on the screen for a while.”

And that, as a consequence, the processes of induction are shorter than if they were face-to-face.

To achieve a good immersion Viladrich considered a key planning . “You have to be clear about the contents to be transmitted, set a good agenda, to give access to the information, to devote time to the study of the same and alternate follow-up meetings on-line to accompany the new addition. In addition, to establish indicators of productivity and performance, and make it clear to the new employee what their objectives are, what their contribution is of value within the company, who can you turn to if you needed help, those who will lead and who it will report your work”. However, it is clear that the scenario of ideal job will be the combination between the telework and the presencialismo in the office.

There is that to make it very clear to the new employee what are the objectives, what is expected of him and who must report it to

which match Yago de la Cierva , professor of Managing People in Organizations at IESE Business School, who notes that “you need presence. is The future model has to be hybrid, with agreements between the company and the workers , where you choose what to do in remote, and what face-to-face in function of the advantages and disadvantages”. To achieve cohesion of the templates and the distancing physical does not become social considered a key “when there are meetings on line the first five minutes are devoted to connecting people, to rally teams, to establish human relationships despite the distance and a screen in the middle. To make the process more humane and productive”.