The Government is extending aid to the mortgages the rents and the basic supplies
The Government is extending aid to the mortgages the rents and the basic supplies

Daniel CaballeroSEGUIRMadrid Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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To exceptional situations, exceptional measures. So thought the Government when passed in march a number of measures of social-economic. Among them, the moratoriums on mortgages and rents, as well as the maintenance of basic supplies (water, light…) for vulnerable groups. All of this was next to fall this month and today the Executive has given the green light to its extension until the end of September.

The Council of Ministers has approved the expansion of all these measures, the “social shield” , as noted by the Executive whenever it has occasion. is May be requested until 30 September the following measures: the extension for six months, the automatic extension of the lease contracts that are completed in this period; the moratoriums on rents and mortgages (in the case mortgage is 3 months of legal term more nine months set voluntarily by the bank); the perception of the social bond and the guarantee of basic supplies, such as electricity, gas and water.

Also, the vice-president of Social Affairs, Pablo Iglesias , has reported that the stoppage of evictions, and has also been extended, in this case until 2 October. At the same time, the leader of United we Can has been pointed out that it had already been approved to 200,000 applications for mortgage moratorium and other 364.000 in terms of credit consumption. However, it has not clarified how many people have benefited from the guarantees ICO for the rental; it has been limited to report that will make public the data when you have them. The reality is that the banking sector has been reluctant to join this latest initiative in particular, and there is hardly any demand in this regard, according to confirmed sources of funding.

At the cost of evictions, Iglesias has starred in one of the most critical periods of the Council of Ministers . Asked about how to protect the right to private property against the evictions and occupations, the vice president has had a profound impact, once again, on the side of the positioning: “to Face the right of the property with individuals who are facing an eviction puts the focus on who these people are criminals. And that is not acceptable in our country. If United we Can is in the Council of Ministers is because in the past they did things very wrong in what he meant to evictions”. And he added: “I Cannot accept the suggestion that the victims of evictions are criminals in this country.”

Measures for transport

José Luis Ábalos, minister of Transport, has reported that the Government put on the table 1,800 million for the sectors of their area. Billion it will take you to Renfe, because the Executive has expanded the capacity of indebtedness of this company to compensate the fall in revenues and to allow the resumption of the activity.

Other 663 million will be allocated to private carriers and reduction of airport charges. And 110 million more for the State Society of Transport Infrastructure on Land (Seittsa) can meet your commitments of public works.

Also, the owner of Transport has announced that the recommendation in the field of transport air of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC, for its acronym in English) become now mandatory. Among them, measures such as social distancing, use of masks and frequent hand washing.


on the other hand, the minister of Transport, has also reported the approval of a royal decree that opens the door to the canon by the grant of public land to be zero . In this way, it improves the conditions of tender of the public land that Sepes put in private hands for the construction and management of rental housing social by a maximum of 75 years.

“This action tien as objective to energize the economy and at the same time be generating a park of public housing that we don’t have in Spain,” said Abalos, who has added to the housing stock for social rented is only “2.5% versus 5% average in the European Union”.

The aforementioned royal decree also allows you to autonomy the use of the remaining projects that have not been carried out within the State Housing Plan for new projects in the areas of access to housing and so they are not obliged to reinstate him.