The gentle pressure pays off
The gentle pressure pays off

Comment on wage equality – The gentle pressure pays off for the women from wage analyses for companies in a more effort. However, the new duty is effective preventive effect. Opinion Judith Wittwer Herter8 Kommentare8Lohngerechtigkeit, a Central demand of the women’s national demo on 14. June, 2019.Photo: Franziska Scheidegger

equality is not a pious wish but a legal obligation. For almost forty years, the wage equality in the Swiss Federal Constitution – and yet, women earn on average annually around 7,000 Swiss francs, less, without with a lack of experience, lower level of the hierarchy, the training or the performance can be justified.

the girls are better in school than boys. You create more likely to make the leap to the grammar school, and, increasingly, the young women run with their colleagues at the universities of the rank. To the professional life of study start graduates, but with lower starting wages than graduates. Married women receive on average around a quarter less pay than married men. Mothers do not lose after the baby break the connection, get ahead professionally, and reward moderately.

The injustice is untenable.

The injustice is untenable. From 1. July you should be now fixed with a new law article. Companies with one hundred or more employees are required to analyze all the wages in your company and let an independent body check be to it. Penalties for companies that discriminate against their employees in the salary, does not exist.

the provision at first glance seems toothless. The compulsion to wage-analysis sounds like a bureaucratic overhead with no effect. At the end of the Boss or the boss determines whether someone is doing a good job and, therefore, more wage earned or not. Measure and compare performance only to a limited extent.

now, many companies prepare for the change in the law.

the second view unfolds, this gentle pressure but already a preventive force. So many companies are beginning to prepare to the change in the law, and their wage books Shine through. At UBS that led to the first corrections: a number of women today earn more money. The transparency forces us to rethink and to Act. That is a good thing.

It is unsatisfactory that important steps towards equal rights in the last decades, had to be repeated by the legislature are arranged and it is only step by step. In the right direction but.

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