The Federation of Municipalities to defer their Board after providing Finance to 5000 million additional
The Federation of Municipalities to defer their Board after providing Finance to 5000 million additional

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The Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) been postponed to Monday due to the lack of support the extraordinary Meeting which provided for a vote this Friday the proposal of the Treasury on the surplus of the councils after a new Government document that provides local governments with 5,000 million additional from the State budget.

Sources of negotiation have been informed that the new proposal improves economically, the last text by endowing the municipalities of 5.000 million of the General State Budget to fund lost, but that money would be only for the municipalities that transferred voluntarily to the State their remnants, and that this is committed to return one hundred percent.

The decision to postpone the extraordinary meeting adopted the Board of spokespersons after noting that the proposal of the Treasury that allowed the municipalities to mobilize their remnants, had only with the approval of the socialists and, therefore, could not go forward.

The last-minute negotiations of the socialists with IU-We may be able to get their support have failed and this group municipalist issued last night a statement calling for the return to the Government the text of the Treasury for negotiation “wide and plural”, in line with the traditional consensus that the EMFF has sealed their agreements.

scraps and without expenditure rule

Apart from that extra depth of 5,000 million, the public accounts, the Treasury maintains the proposal of the remnants, that is to say, the councils voluntarily constitute a loan to the State by the value of their savings and would return in 10 years, starting from 2022.

The new document, which throughout the day will be delivered to the different political parties represented in the EMFF, maintains the suppression of the spending rule in 2020 , funding for the transport and the participation of the municipalities in the european funds, in other matters.

it remains to be seen if it will pick up a section of economic improvements for the municipalities that don’t have remnants, a request that has subscribed to IU-we Can, but also PdeCat, Cs and PP.

For the PP in the EMFF, the new proposal can be even more “unacceptable” than the previous one for the “tort” that would generate between councils with and without remnants.

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