the heart-Warming images from the Indian Rajasthan. There is dierenorganisatie Animal Aid Unlimited has some of the puppies may be able to save it under a collapsed building. They also had the help of the mother of the little four-legged friends, who are desperately through the debris-track.

The rescuers did not have a long time to find the exact location. The dog of the week, after all, not for a moment by his side. She guided them right into the correct place, and it made her nervous behavior is evident, that for her little ones, probably a few weeks old, and undoubtedly would still be alive.

It also turned out to be wrong. After a bit of digging, they were able to the puppy ” s life under debris pick up. To the great relief to the mother, who is her joy, not to continue to know. As to why the building is exactly the collapse is not yet fully understood.

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see also:

Funny dramatic dog is lame when a guy’s nails cut

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the Sad dog dragging a broken leg across the street, but then comes the monkey out of the bag
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