The dispute is fueled further Trump threatens Twitter available Facebook CEO criticises
The dispute is fueled further Trump threatens Twitter available Facebook CEO criticises

The dispute is fueled further – Trump threatens Twitter with available Facebook-in-chief were to exercise two of his Tweets provided criticism after warning, the US President, Social media with a available seal. Even Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg expressed.Thorsten Denkler, New York3 is Kommentare3Fraglich whether Trump will make Twitter and other platforms, really tight.Photo: Evan Vucci/Keystone

On Twitter Trumps the threat of martial reads Japanese. The US President, wrote on Wednesday that he could think of to close a Social Media provider, in whole or in regulating or at least strongly, if they curtailed the right to freedom of expression (for analysis).

His spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany betrayed later on a flight from Florida to Washington journalists accompanying the Federal President, the President-to plan in a timely manner of a type available under the letter, which could be directed against the provider, such as Twitter, Facebook and Google. What exactly should be regulated, has not betrayed you. Anyway, he could write the document on this Thursday.

spokeswoman McEnany called for the same reason as Trump in his Tweet: Republicans had the feeling that “Social Media platforms push the conservative vote completely”. True, however, is, rather, that some providers have deleted some posts, and, rarely, all the Accounts of the most vile conspiracy theorists. Of people from the very right of the spectrum were increasingly affected.

President, Trump responded with his threat that Twitter had provided on Tuesday for the first time, two of their Tweets with a warning. Users who click on the note, directed to one of the companies asked fact check page. Trump had claimed in the two offending Tweets, incorrectly, that postal voting will lead to fraud in a quasi-automatic choice. Also, Twitter has its security, but the Tweets are not deleted. Trump has spread the claim since then, even more times on Twitter.

nonsense or Enforceable?

Twitter had declared at the beginning of may, since March existing rule to false information in terms of the Coronavirus to other topics to expand. It was now affected for the first Time, apparently, Trump.

it is Questionable whether Trump will make Twitter and other platforms, really tight. He has there will be 80 million Followers, and a Fan Base that he probably will not so quickly abandon. It is also questionable whether he can take these businesses simply with a presidential available on a short leash. This should hardly go without the consent of the Congress.

He could, however, dig out an old proposal and a working group, the complaints of alleged anti-conservative incidents on the platforms studied. There were hearings before Congress, because Republicans have reason to suspect that subject-political Agenda in the company. This has proved to be so far out of everything as nonsense.

Facebook CEO Zuckerberg commented on the action

The warnings have brought to Twitter, nevertheless, in a difficult Position. Up to now at least Twitter has to leave it at that, the two contributions from Trump on the topic of absentee ballot with a fact check-to be provided note. The President said in one of many Tweets make false claims. It leaves the company in the case of the two warnings, taps it to the event in a Credibility. It warns from now on, regularly in front of trump’s Tweets, to be running Twitter in danger of losing its hitherto neutral Position.

Twitter has not commented yet on the alleged Regulation plans of the President. But Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg. The seemed to want to make sure that his message arrives in the White house – and favorite channel Fox News, was impressed by trump’s interview.

There he was on Twitter a rebuke. Facebook and other platforms should not be an “arbiter of the truth,” he said. It was, however, no “appropriate response” if Trump react to a fact check of his Tweets with a censorship. He did not know even, what plans Trump have. “But in General, the decision of a government to censor a platform, it seems to me, because she’s Worried about censorship, not just the right way”.

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