The dichotomy of the float The panic is wegtrainiert now only the target is missing
The dichotomy of the float The panic is wegtrainiert now only the target is missing

The dichotomy of the float – The panic is wegtrainiert, now only the goal of Maria is missing Ugolkova is back in her Element. However, for the best Swiss-the supposedly near-final of her career is suddenly full of uncertainty. Monica Schneider0 comment finally back in the water: Maria Ugolkova won the forced alternative program after all, strength and new Confidence.Photo: Patrick B. Kraemer (Keystone)

The huge Olympic pool is empty. The ten 50-m-lanes are without water, craftsmen make and to create. The plant in the Ustermer Buchholz is in the early Revision, and this draws. The spare parts from Italy have arrived due to the Corona-crisis with a delay. The 20 Elite swimmers and swimmers of the SC Uster Wallisellen don’t care, however. The Club is in the comfortable position of being able to in the right next to the old pool to train.

Only the Best can Train in the water

! After all. Currently, this is the main thing. Of the 400 club members, the Best returns are but it was only in the water, the other must be in accordance with the Federal Council’s decision Wednesday to 6 June wait. At seven in the morning, the first layer does not start, the rules are strict, as two swimmers per lane. The second layer follows in the course of the Morning, the third in the evening. The dressing rooms are off-limits, the toilets are also.

This is now the third week, and head coach Gerard Moerland finds, soon she would have to think of something. “The physique was in the eight-week break is not a Problem, the vacation was like early summer. The real Problem is that all the targets are gone, EM cancelled, Olympic and other postponed to next year,” he says. Ten times per week mental’m going to train quickly tedious if the target is missing.

Twice already Maria Ugolkova won the European Championships with a medal.Photo: Patrick B. Kraemer (Keystone)

Maria Ugolkova the most successful athlete Usters is currently, you won in the past few years in Europe, two medals of the Championships over 200 metres Dolphin. The games in Tokyo in this summer should have been your “last destination”, your last career station, as she says. Thereafter, the 30 would want to-year-old Russian-born back. After a long journey through Switzerland, which had begun in 2005 in Lugano, you continued in Lausanne with the degree and type now with a beautiful swimming career crowns. And because the float in the 4-year-thinking cycle from Olympia to Olympia, I Ugolkova now for one more year until 2021.

Ugolkova complaining today about the fact that she wasn’t allowed to train alone in the bathroom.

it’s not that easy but. Because, as at 18. March due to the Corona pandemic, the closure of all public sports facilities, it was decided to offset the Ugolkova short in a panic. “I was at the beginning of the year, mega in good shape,” she says. But then, only questions and a lack of understanding were there. Ugolkova complaining today about the fact that she wasn’t allowed to train alone in the bathroom. “I wouldn’t have put her in danger, and no one would have put me in danger, we swimmers need the water!” And compares them with other workers commuted from their home to work and back. “For me, it was quite difficult to accept that this should not be possible, while we pursue our profession.”

your General state of mind is but for a long time, a major influence on your Trainer Pablo coachman had. Within a very short time, he wrote her a strength/endurance training plan for the home and the balcony. Ugolkova laughs uproariously and tries to explain once again how difficult such a transition for the body, the moves every week, 20 hours in the water. “Mentally, it is even brutal, because I had always in mind that the super form is lost more and more.”

The Form may be two months later, the same, but Moerland stressed that one could use such time to work on weaknesses. The managed Ugolkova obvious. She has noted in the past two weeks, that brings you a lot of power into the water, “I swim the same speed with fewer strokes than before that is progress”. And with some of the List the coach has provided during the Lockdown, new task: Within ten days, you should run a Marathon. She was previously Jogging never and not, can also says Ugolkova, but: “I’ve done it.”

In the swimming club Uster, it is hoped, the swimmers no longer such an unusual small targets “to” think how Moerland says. The intention of President Philippe Walter is, to be able to further easing of the Federal government in August or September, a national Meeting. The big club with 25 training groups would have been Championships in July, organizers of the four-day summer. “The revenue would have accounted for 15 percent of our annual budget,” he says, “that sounds like a lot, but there are tens of thousands of francs, which will be missed.” In addition to the portion of the floating school, which is usually attended by around 1200 children. With the decision Wednesday by a large piece of normality returns to the beginning of June. Until then, the Olympia is revised in the pool. Time for new goals.

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