The death of Alfred Kolle ritsch – The dense father of GrazMit of the journal “manuscripts” made the poet and novelist his city for a while to the center of the German-speaking literature. Its literary Offspring is immense.Willi Winkler0 comment Alfred Kolle ritsch on the occasion of the Celebration of 40 years of “manuscripts” in the year 2000. The author died Friday at the age of 89 years.Mathias Lehmann

Strange that the Habsburgs, which should be by Karl Kraus, however, immune to have eaten such a fool to Martin Heidegger. Paul Celan, this “mass loose Masochist” (Peter Hamm), had to necessarily have a PhD to Todtnauberg pilgrims, Ingeborg Bachmann has to say about it, and Alfred Mr ritsch has done his doctorate with the “Actuality and Inauthenticity in the philosophy of” the black forests Grossrauners. So he would have been able to follow his school career, if he had not come the good old Austria in between. In 1963, Mr ritsch has not been quoted to the Board of education, because he think with his students at the Akademisches Gymnasium in Graz, Sartre, Camus, and,!, Arno Schmidt had taken. To his luck, he’s hoping there’s already “Prague”, so official, and to some extent safe from the snares of the unbroken reactionary state power.

in 1960, he had established the “manuscripts”, a hektographiertes leaves first, edition of proud to one-hundred, that should be the most important literary magazine in all German-speaking countries. The Forum city Park, at first no more than a literature club, grew up to be a literary counter-power. Kolle ritsch Rühm took the in your hometown is not overly-estimated “Vienna group” to the Steiermärkische printed Gerhard, H. C. Artmann, Konrad Bayer, and especially in the endless lead to the beautiful boulders of Oswald Wieners epopee deserts “the improvement of Central Europe, novel”, which won the editor a clean pornography process and finally caused a stir for the magazine to brought them to Germany.

beauty, as the first duty of a citizen

Mr ritsch has occasionally pointed out that “Austria has a very dense ground set of people who are always ready to judge as defined fascism cheaper, and to follow him rather than everything else”. The “manuscripts” messengers of the programme, the the Old as odious Modern. Graz was under the scepter of the philosophical teacher, the secret capital of German literature Here is Barbara Frischmuth, Klaus Hoffer, Gert Jonke, Helmut Eisendle, Gerhard Roth, Elfriede Jelinek appeared. Peter Handke, of course, was the most Famous; he has financed the magazine even for a long time. “Beauty is the first duty of a citizen”, the exchange of letters between the two, is testimony to a life-long friendship.

Mr ritsch has admitted that it was the appearance of all the authors, which he took as an editor to the sheet, long inhibited, but “the boys have inspired my own Writing”. When he describes in his first novel, “The Pfirsichtöter” (1972), the preparations for a gargantueskes meal, he sounds like Hoffer or Jonke (“The meal is the speculation with the eternity”), is impregnated by Heidegger: “things are brought to things. (…) The Beautiful is the Eternal. The Eternal, the food of God.”

The philosopher stepped out from behind the Poet back

His own Actual found Kolle ritsch only in the poems, which have appeared since the seventies, in a regular sequence. Already the title of this art Nouveau stick narrow volumes were pure singing: “In the run-up to the eyes”, “In the valleys of the world” or “The night of vision”. The philosopher stepped back behind the Poet, and was seemingly of no Thinking dam Bukolik hung values layer: “The year is sinking in the garden,the Overgrow fruits,,/it is hatching snakes,/and egrets lurk, strict arrows/down the fence, by dead trees down, gray, greed,/oak, killing time.”

With countless awards and just the appointment to the k. u. K. Hofrat escaped presided Kolle ritsch, Graz, as a new sealing father, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim about a literary Offspring, as has been the case in the Austrian literature nowhere else. “Streak of light wandered over the bookshelves”, goes one of his poems, “the pictures hung in the shadows/friends make came, quotes.” On the last Friday of the great literature friend Alfred Kolle ritsch died at the age of 89 years in Graz.

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