How many games are referees and linesmen involved in during a normal 82 game season?

The rules are not written in black and white, but the NHL explains that in 2023-2024, each full-time referee has officiated an average of 75 games, compared to 73 games for linesmen. The previous season, according to data from the reference site Scouting the Refs, Ghislain Hébert (76 matches) and Wes McCauley (75 matches) were the busiest, followed by 15 referees who officiated 74 matches. “Before, we did 82 per year too,” remembers Pierre Champoux, retired linesman. They reduced that about twenty years ago. It seems especially for travel. Before, you could leave for 14, 15 days, especially when you were in the West. Me, after seven days, I was starting to find it long! You saw the second weekend coming and it was hard. When you miss home, it’s harder on the body. »

What is the blue zone in front of the goal in hockey for? I thought it was for the goalie and anyone else in it was at fault, except you see several players in it during a goal…

That’s a great question, what’s the point? This area is in theory reserved for the guard, and then here, we have to say “in theory”, because for some time now, everyone and their sister has the right to sit there for a coffee. Since the start of the playoffs in particular, there have been several controversial plays because of this zone. Goals disallowed, goals not disallowed but which could have been disallowed, and with all that, one wonders if we shouldn’t go back to the 1990s, when a simple piece of skate placed in this zone was illegal …until Brett Hull’s goal in the final in Buffalo in 1999. One thing is certain, in any case, it cannot continue like this.

How much do Professional Women’s Hockey League players make?

It’s impossible to know precisely who makes how much because the league doesn’t disclose individual salaries. There is, moreover, no salary cap strictly speaking, but different, quite complex rules exist. Average salary should be $55,000 per team. At least six players per club must earn at least $80,000, and no more than nine players must earn the minimum salary of $35,000 – all amounts are in U.S. dollars. Various bonuses linked to individual trophies can be added to this remuneration, and players also have access to a housing allowance. The teams also provide them with meals on practice and match days.

How do you designate in hockey the player who will serve the punishment when there are too many players on the ice?

The head coach of the offending team may designate a player of his choice from among those who were on the ice at the time of the infraction. Players who do not play outnumbered, particularly attackers, are then prioritized.

Why do soccer players enter the field holding their child or a child’s hand?

This is an old tradition, we read, which began in Brazil in the 1970s. But the current format of this custom especially spread around the turn of the millennium. Today, depending on the competitions, these children are often young players from local clubs or winners of competitions. The reasons vary. We are talking here about the simple idea of ​​the beautiful image that athletes send hand in hand with children. We argue here that the objective is purely commercial, because this privilege sometimes pays off. Between all of this, the dream come true for these young people, and the inspiration that the moment gives them. It’s probably all of these answers at once.