The Church and abuse an accomplice in its own ranks
The Church and abuse an accomplice in its own ranks

Should have cherished the Catholic bishops in Germany hope after the completion of a scientific research project on sexual abuse (“MHG-study”) would put a veil of no-longer-wanting to know about the Church and society, so has not met them. On The Contrary.

Because the study has just light in the files documented in bright field. The dark field consists not only of the perpetrators, one of which is in the files, no clues to be found, and those Affected, some of which still find their language. The third member are bishops, vicars General and heads of personnel, the set up in the present protection of the Institution above the protection of children and young people.

Many of the leaders have died. But not a few still living, and have to say to Bode (Osnabrück) and Wanke (Erfurt) – nothing. In France, you would have to, as the Lyon Barbarin to answer in court to the Archbishop. In this country you are protected by law and by their successors to be covered.