resim 582
resim 582

(Tampa) There were two absentees at training for the Canadian, Friday noon in Florida, and one of them had to be absent for disciplinary reasons.

Martin St-Louis has confirmed that Jonathan Drouin did not take part in the noon training, in the suburbs of Tampa, due to disciplinary measures. The Quebec forward had missed a team meeting earlier in the morning.

“I was non-negotiable… He missed a team meeting, he has to pay the consequences, explained Martin St-Louis. We start with that. »

Obviously angered by the situation, St. Louis would not say if Drouin would have to pay a fine, or if he would also be suspended for the next game, Saturday night against the Lightning.

“It’s the culture that’s important,” added the Montreal driver. It’s more important than anyone. »

Moreover, the Canadian would have a hard time suspending Drouin for Saturday night’s game, quite simply because in the immediate term, there would be no one to replace him, unless the club decides to play with a formation of 11 forwards and 7 defensemen in Tampa.

The other absentee on Friday, defender Kaiden Guhle, was due to undergo medical treatment.