The butane cylinder low 5 and it will cost 1271 euros starting on Tuesday
The butane cylinder low 5 and it will cost 1271 euros starting on Tuesday

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The butane gas cylinder of 12.5 kg, who consume approximately 8 million households in Spain, will run from this Tuesday, a maximum of 12,71 euros, 5% less (66 cents) than the current price, set in January , according to the resolution published today in the Official State Bulletin (BOE). The price of butane is reviewed bi-monthly on the third Tuesday of the month, but the Government decided to freeze it after the outbreak of the crisis of the Covid-19 while the formula for their review yielded the climbs.

The review is calculated depending on the cost of the raw materials (propane and butane) in the international markets , as well as the cost of freight (transport) and the evolution of the exchange rate euro-dollar.

in Addition, the variation in price, either upward or downward, is limited to 5%, accumulating the excess or defect of price for their application in subsequent revisions.

To alleviate the effects of the health crisis caused by the covid-19, the Government suspended for three bimestres the system of review of the maximum prices of the gases liquefied of the oil packed. As established by royal decree in march, the price was frozen if, on the application of the review, it was a rise, while if it was a drop, the formula would be applied following the usual procedure.

This is the case of the review of July, according to the Ministry for the Energy Transition, which has explained that the decrease is due to the important decrease of international price developments of raw materials with respect to January (-38%).

So, from this Tuesday, the maximum price without taxes of the butane will be 82,5770 euro cents per kilogram, resulting in a maximum price of sale to the public for the gas cylinder of 12.5 kilos (the most common) of 12,71 euros, from 13,37 to which it sold since January.