The Bundestag Ulrich Kelber is the new Federal Commissioner for data protection
The Bundestag Ulrich Kelber is the new Federal Commissioner for data protection

The Bundestag has commissioned a new Covenant for the protection of privacy. A majority of deputies voted for the SPD politician Ulrich Kelber, had been proposed by the Federal government: 444 Voted Yes, 176 no, 37 members abstained. Kelber took the choice to demand from the session Manager.

Kelber replaces the CDU-politician Andrea Voßhoff, who had been in office since 2014. Kelber will step down after 18 years of his mandate, to his office. His headquarters will be in Bonn.

core task of the Federal data protection Commissioner is to monitor, whether in Germany, the corresponding regulations are complied with. He also explains about the risks in the processing of personal data. Citizens can contact him, including on his website. The Commissioner is independent and subject only to the law.

The 50-year-old Kelber is a member of the Bundestag since the year 2000. From 2005 to 2013 he was Deputy SPD parliamentary leader, with the focus on environmental and consumer protection, after that, until March 2018, the Parliamentary state Secretary in the Federal Ministry of justice and consumer protection.