The Borges Mario Vargas Llosa
The Borges Mario Vargas Llosa

Fernando R. LafuenteSEGUIR Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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Jorge Luis Borges (Buenos Aires 1899-Geneva, 1986), is the great writer of the TWENTIETH century, with an extraordinary universal screening. Mario Vargas Llosa gathers around the author of The Aleph, articles, lectures, reviews, notes and interviews written over fifty years ago. There are not a few. Half a century with Borges is a tribute to who is considered “classic, brilliant and immortal,” . That relationship begins in 1963, an interview of the Nobel peace prize to the French Radio. It is the time in which Borges begins his career international. Vargas Llosa confesses that there are, between the two, “abysmal differences of vocation and personality” , but the fascination of his work is on foot. This volume opens with a poem entitled, “Borges, or the house of toys”, the toy, magical and mysterious, it is literature, to which Borges lived consecrated.

“he Invented a prose -notes Vargas Llosa – in which there were so many words such as ideas,” because “he lived to read and read to live”. Describes its stories as “unusual, perfect, cerebral, and cold as circles”, “books always perfect as a ring”.

Argue about the genre fiction , that Borges was not interested in, what makes Vargas Llosa recognizes that it was “too intelligent to write novels”.


The policy is present in the two interviews posted, the above-mentioned 1963, and which is held in Buenos Aires in 1981 and in an article in 1999. In the first Borges recognizes that the policy -a constant concern in Vargas Llosa – will produce “boredom”, in the second, as openly, “nuisance”. Appeal to their condition of “ old anarchist spenceriano”. Has the interviewer how Borges to talk about literature, they always get in a suit and tie, “although not out of the house”, providing that value is invisible to the conversation of literature, especially when Borges reminds him that “reading is a way of live” and “the luxury I seem a vulgarity”.

Darius, in the poetry, ” he says, and Borges, in the prose, make the Spanish re smart

Something that fascinate Vargas Llosa at the meeting in the apartment on Maipú, is the austerity, the atmosphere of a carthusian monk who breathes and it transmits. When it enters the author of this book in the fictions of Borges writes: “Borges has been the most important thing that happened to the Spanish literature modern and one of the contemporary artists most memorable”. You admire its cosmopolitanism , “sensitive to all countries and to all ages, the desire of ages,” in front of the shameless nationalism in argentina. Darío in poetry, ” says Vargas Llosa – and Borges in prose make the Spanish is again smart. The friends of Borges, recovers the great Alfonso Reyes, because both were consistent in their style: “clear and direct” .

Choose their favorite stories. He admires as a writer of reviews for The Home, a women’s magazine because it dazzles their “power persuasive prose where there are almost as many ideas as words, and a constant effort to not say anything that is not absolutely indispensable with respect to what he intends to say.” A special chapter is the study of the relationship Onetti and Borges and how the first one goes from reality to fantasy and the second of the fantasy to the reality. This book is a treat for the reader.