The banking returns by an average of 4525 euros after claims by clauses ground abusive
The banking returns by an average of 4525 euros after claims by clauses ground abusive

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The dealer admitted until April 536.118 claims of customers that signed a mortgage with clauses soil, abusive, 44.1% of the total, and spent about 4.525 euros to each affected with the reached an agreement , according to the latest data published on the website of the Ministry of Economy.

The total amount repaid up to that date includes the 67.7 million euros corresponding to the 24.126 records already estimated but pending response, clears the table, which shows how the rate of estimation of requests has remained stable in the last year, without reaching the 50%.

The number of claims registered at the end of the fourth month of the year was 1.214.446, of which 423.287, 34.8%, were inadmitidas, well, because there was no clause in ground (181.956 42.9%), because the claimant was not a consumer (49.579, 11.7%), or for other reasons, such as the prior existence of court proceedings (191.792, 45.3%).

Moreover, the entities were dismissed by another 19.6 per cent (238.335) after checking that the clause met the requirements of transparency, while only 0,97% (11.850) concluded with the withdrawl of the client.

In total, the 536.118 successful applications amounted to a value of 2.386,1 million euros.

Of the 2.277,3 million euros disbursed by the banks after reaching an agreement with the client, 1.891,6 million were in cash; 251,7 million through various compensatory measures; and 133,9 million, by means of mixed formulas.

For its part, the rate of estimated requests that ended without agreement were reduced up by 0.71%; in total, representing an amount slightly greater than the 41 million euros.

The Commission Follow-up is integrated within the plans of the royal decree-law enabled at the beginning of 2017, to 1.5 million of hypothecated with these clauses could recover their savings without the need of recourse to the courts, without any cost and in minimum time.