An oval face, a greenish color and large black eyes. Such is the fantasized image that we have of aliens, widely conveyed in the cinema. This summer, Ouest-France devoted a series to extraterrestrial life, with the last episode a question that makes you smile as much as it challenges: what would happen in the event of an invasion of an unknown civilization on Earth?

Admittedly, the hypothesis is implausible. But the Universe has not revealed all its secrets… “In 2020, a study published in the journal The astrophysical journal estimated, by revisiting the Drake equation, that there were at least 36 intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations in the Way Milky Way, the closest of which would be 17,000 light years from Earth”, explains the regional daily. In our slideshow below, we’ve recapped the 7 steps that await us if this scenario straight out of a Spielberg movie comes to fruition.

Don’t worry though: although the biggest blockbusters suggest otherwise, there is actually little risk that visitors from elsewhere will want us badly. According to astrophysicists, our dear planet is nothing exceptional, its metals and resources being very present elsewhere in the galaxy. “And given the number of exoplanets similar to our own and asteroids stuffed with these resources that exist, the ‘motive’ for the crime doesn’t hold water,” writes Slate.

Also according to the magazine, the Fermi paradox reinforces this idea that a hostile attack from extraterrestrials is unlikely. This paradox, which parallels the age of the universe and the time it would take for this civilization to invade a galaxy, indicates that if aliens had bad intentions towards us, they would have manifested themselves a long time ago. Be reassured !