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Let gourmands and gourmets enjoy themselves. According to a Sociovision survey, some dishes are much more popular than others by the French. A ranking was determined by this survey by the Ifop group, carried out in November 2021, for TF1. Out of 3,500 people, here is what it reveals: in the lead, raclette seems to be the most popular dish in France. Then followed by:

On the other hand, the meals prepared by the canteens at school do not seem to please the children… In addition, sulking, certain foodstuffs are not unanimous. This is the case with fennel for 59.6% of children questioned by a survey by the Nestlé Foundation.

Salsify, these edible roots which nevertheless contribute to intestinal transit, are just as abhorred. Our toddlers have difficulty tasting, in this context, eggplant, red cabbage and broccoli. On the other hand, what they particularly enjoy… are fries (76.2%), pasta (72.8%) and ice cream (66.9%).

Do these habits continue beyond childhood? To be sure, discover below the ranking of the most hated foods by the French, according to a survey carried out by Deliveroo and relayed by Femina.