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After years of sometimes exhausting work, fixed schedules and repeated tasks, it is normal to yearn for the peace, rest and tranquility of a welcome retirement. If you have always lived in the same place, the thirst for elsewhere and the temptation to go abroad to live a few decades of fullness are obviously legitimate. However, it is difficult to make a choice in the face of the many possible destinations and the specificities of each. Discover the 2023 ranking of the 10 best countries in which to retire, established by the Retraite sans Frontières website.

When you retire, do you want to move abroad and you hesitate to take the plunge? To make your decision, do not hesitate to find out about the administrative procedures to be carried out and the payment of your pension. It is essential to know that solidarity allowances such as the solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa) and the supplementary disability allowance (ASI) are no longer paid to you when you leave to settle outside France.

Each year, the Retraite sans Frontières site ranks the countries in which to retire. In order to achieve this ranking, the site manager Paul Delahoutre selects 12 major criteria of choice such as the price of real estate, the cost of living, the health system or the climate. Each represents a specific percentage of the final grade awarded. For this 2023 ranking, several surprises should be noted, in particular the breakthrough of Tunisia, which gained three places in the top 10, as well as the omnipresence of Asian countries. Discover, in our slideshow, the entire ranking.