Tested The Leaven The Frankenstein Moment
Tested The Leaven The Frankenstein Moment

Tested can bake The sour dough, The Frankenstein Moment of the new man will have bread. This is very time-consuming, but it’s also joy – and soon, the dough is everywhere.Stefan Busz3 Kommentare3Auch little monsters have a home: The mother yeast in a Jar.bu

The Züritipp tests Useful for the time, not only in the Corona of a crisis. Currently: Sourdough.

Three things, it is said, had to do the man: a child, plant a tree, write a book. A fourth thing is now come to this: sourdough bread is to bake the new man. Is of course idiotic. Because the production of sourdough bread is time-consuming and takes forever. No one actually has time for such things. Except men, of course. So: I.

Now, how to begin? My teacher (it is the high ladies and Claudio Del Principe) suggested: Apples in the kitchen two weeks to Mature, then the Slices for two days in water to ferment – and that is just the starter kit and get. I took the shortcut, mixed the flour with pomegranate juice and voilà: after three days, the first bubbles appeared. Hurrah, that thing is alive! It’s my Frankenstein Moment.

The little Monster must now be fed daily with 50 grams of flour, half a Dezi water, just so it remains in a good mood (unless you are the mother yeast is in the fridge). Anyway: I am not now in the case of bread production, I pull and stretch, knead, or dough. And see yourself as the dough. Dough hands, dough in the face, dough everywhere. Wife says: Plant but better on the balcony of a tree.

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