Terrorism us soldiers in attack in Northern Syria killed
Terrorism us soldiers in attack in Northern Syria killed

In an attack on the Kurdish-controlled city of Manbij in Northern Syria have come activists say that several people have been killed, among them American soldiers. In the case of the Explosion of a bomb in a Restaurant at least nine civilians and five members of local security forces had been killed, reported the Syrian Observatory for human rights on Wednesday. The terrorist militia “Islamic state” (IS) claimed the fact about his voice Amak and spoke of an attack by a suicide bomber.

Supposedly four Americans killed

The United States led the international coalition wrote on Twitter, in the Explosion, members of the American military had been killed. A number was not called. According to the observation of the two of you killed four American soldiers in the hospital.

The spokeswoman of the White house, Sarah Sanders announced that President Donald Trump had been informed of the Situation.

Manbij is one of the areas of Northern Syria controlled by the Kurdish militia YPG. This is fighting in Syria with the help of the coalition against the IS. The United States has in the Region of its own troops on the ground.