With the many mobile phone offers, choosing an operator can be more complicated than it seems. However, according to INSEE, more than 99% of the population aged 15 and over has a mobile or fixed telephone. In addition, 95% of French people have a mobile phone, 77% of which are smartphones. Thus, the majority of the population is affected by taking out a subscription with a mobile operator.

However, not all operators seem to offer the same quality of service. Indeed, the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications, Posts and Press Distribution (Arcep), alerts to the many complaints filed against certain operator brands. This public agency is responsible for regulating electronic and postal communications. To do this, it also has a site called “I alert Arcep”. This platform makes it possible to list consumer complaints and offer them solutions.

Over the year 2022, the platform relays a significant number of complaints, mainly related to Internet problems. Thus, we understand nearly 44,653 reports in total. 82% of them correspond to fixed Internet issues. 14% correspond to complaints related to mobile telephony. Among the complainants, there are 92% of individual consumers against 6.8% of companies. Discover in our slideshow below the operators concerned.

Most of these complaints relate to dissatisfaction related to the deployment of fiber, but also to poor management of consumer monitoring when traveling abroad. Others also mention Wi-Fi problems. However, one of the operators concerned recently filed a complaint against the agency.

Indeed, on February 3, 2023, Orange filed a complaint against Arcep before the Council of State, as relayed by Le Monde. The operator has been penalized on several occasions by this authority, in particular because it has not respected its commitments concerning the installation of fibre. A formal notice then started the hostilities. Orange considers the penalties too severe and considers that it is “a disproportionate attack on freedom of enterprise”.

Check out our slideshow below for the full list of carriers receiving the most complaints.