resim 506
resim 506

From disturbance to harassment, there is only one step. Telephone canvassers call you at any time of the day, often at lunchtime, but sometimes also in the evening. A reader of Planet also remembers a phone call at 11 p.m., for an additional scam, which woke him and his baby a few days old. That’s when he decided to block all numbers starting with the same area codes as the one that had bothered him in the middle of the evening.

If this technique worked for a while, it does not protect our reader from all possible calls. Can’t stand being disturbed all day long? You can register on Bloctel. As the Public Service website explains, the service is free: “Companies will no longer have the right to call you to approach you”, with some exceptions. These include polling institutes, newspaper providers and companies with which you have “a pre-existing contractual relationship”.

Apart from these specific cases, any company that tries to contact you is outlawed, if you are registered on Bloctel. What if the calls continue? The Public Service site advises to “report it on the Bloctel site by completing a declaration form accessible from your personal space”. Then, “your declaration is transmitted to the departmental services of the DGCCRF which will carry out the investigations which they deem necessary”. A rather long process and which does not guarantee you peace of mind for the days that follow…

Fortunately, there are other solutions to stop being harassed every day by telephone canvassers. The one we give you, in the slideshow below, have been tested and approved by Planet’s editorial staff. We therefore guarantee their effectiveness!