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resim 298

The 2021 tax filing campaign is coming to an end soon. Since April 7, 2022, French people have been required to declare their income for the previous year to the General Directorate of Public Finances (DGFIP) in the following cases:

Please note that not all departments have the same deadline for declaring their income. Those numbered from 1 to 19 had until May 24, 2022 to file their declaration online.

For 36 departments, there are only a few hours left to fulfill this obligation. In the slideshow below, find these territories which have until May 31, 11:59 p.m., to complete their 2021 tax return online.

For the remaining departments, this deadline is set for June 8, 2022.

This year, the vast majority of tax returns are computerized. Indeed, “in 2022, online declaration is mandatory if your home is connected to the internet”, specifies the Public Service website. “If not, you can use a paper form.”

In this case, taxpayers had until May 19, 2022 to send their tax return to the DGFIP, the date of the postmark being taken as proof.

If you haven’t sent it yet, don’t panic: this date has been postponed to May 31, 2022.

The cause: “some users received their pre-filled 2021 tax return in paper format significantly later than in previous years”, indicates the DGFIP.