With a peak at the start of the year due to the rise in energy prices, inflation in 2023 should not slow down before the summer. The whole range of indexed income should thus be affected. The causes of these increases are multiple: Covid-19, war in Ukraine, energy crisis… Inflation in 2022 was measured at 5.3%, an unprecedented figure since the introduction of the Euro. The consumer price index even reached 6.2%.

Mechanically, the minimum wage will increase by 1.81% in 2023. It will be €1,353.07 net monthly. As soon as inflation increases by more than 2%, it goes up. Between December 2021 and January 2023, it had a total increase of 6.6%.

In fact, wages were also to follow this general increase. It is estimated around 4%, but it is not automatic. Because if 3 out of 5 companies plan to operate a general increase of 3%, it does not include individual bonuses. And the firms that have studied the issue believe that the increases will affect a wider range of employees than usual.

As every year, the RSA, the activity bonus and all social benefits must increase automatically on April 1, 2023. It remains to be seen by how much. Taking into account INSEE estimates, Bercy has forecast, on the sidelines of the Social Security budget, an increase of 1.7%.

We take a look below at the other increases that await you for the year 2023.