resim 155
resim 155

Tick ​​tock. It will soon no longer be possible to declare your income for the year 2021 to the tax authorities. In most departments of France, French men and women who have not yet fulfilled their civic duty are even already late… And therefore expose themselves to a series of penalties as well as potentially quite brutal. Between the interest that will have to be paid and the tax increases, the burden can be particularly heavy…

Some, among the taxpayers in the least hurry, still benefit from a small respite. For the inhabitants of these 43 departments, there remain a few hours, at the time of writing this article, to complete and return the traditional form n°2042, used by the General Directorate of Public Finances to find out more about the reality of everyone’s resources. More information about this in our slideshow, which you will find at the end of this article.

The luckiest, recalls the monthly Capital on its site, benefit from a very particular mechanism which allows them not to worry about declarative procedures. This is obviously the automatic declaration of income; to which some households are eligible, based on means testing in particular.

The others have no other solution than to go through the old method. This therefore means connecting to your personal space on the website and manually checking the values ​​pre-populated by the administration. They will also have to be corrected, if necessary.