resim 451
resim 451

A false suspense of only a few hours. The first part of the 2023 finance bill, submitted at 49.3 by the government of Elisabeth Borne, was adopted by the National Assembly on Monday, October 24, 2022. Several measures should be taken from this part dedicated to revenue, while the second – which this time focuses on expenditure – will be debated in the Hemicycle from Thursday 27 October.

This first adoption was not easy for the presidential majority. Three motions of censure had been tabled by two parliamentary groups, the Nupes and the National Rally. Responding to Article 49.3 of the Constitution, they were all rejected by the deputies, despite the surprise of Marine Le Pen. The leader of the RN has indeed given unexpected support to the motion of censure filed by the Nupes, explaining: “At the RN, we are not afraid of threats of dissolution”.

A reversal which surprised more than one, including the elected representatives of the left, because, just last week, she affirmed that she would not vote for this motion of censure. Since the beginning of the Fifth Republic, only one motion of censure has been adopted, bringing down the government of Georges Pompidou in 1962.

After this episode, the deputies will be able to concentrate on the expenditure of the State for the year 2023. During this examination, they will in particular distribute the credits between the various ministries of the government. At the end of the week, elected officials will also be interested in the coming years, since they will solemnly vote on the 2023-2027 public finance programming bill.

In this brouhaha specific to the National Assembly, many measures have been adopted, some of which directly concern the portfolio of the French. Find out which ones below.