resim 891
resim 891

Tick-tock, tick-tock. Hurry up. This Thursday, May 25, 2023, at 11:59 p.m., some taxpayers will have to validate their 2022 tax return, under penalty of receiving a penalty. Available since April 13 on impots.gouv, the tax form must be validated within the time allowed by the tax calendar.

Depending on your department, here is your due date:

According to, “if you declare your income late, you will have to pay penalties, an increase in your taxes and possibly interest on arrears”. What are the penalties for being late?

To avoid seeing your tax increased, it is necessary to closely monitor the tax calendar. However, even if you are late with your declaration, you still have a chance to escape the penalties. What is it ?

According to Virginie Roitman, president of the Order of Chartered Accountants Paris-Ile-de-France, it is possible to ask the tax authorities to waive late penalties: to do this, you must make a request for free discount.

“Either you are in good faith, due to an oversight, an error, an illness… and the tax authorities will be conciliatory, or you are in bad faith and the failure to declare can then cost you dearly”, explains Virginie Roitman to the Parisian. In case of justified delay, how to ask the tax authorities for a graceful reduction on its penalties?

To apply for a free rebate from the tax authorities on late payment, you must send your request to the Personal Tax Service (SIP) of your place of residence or go through the secure messaging system on impots.gouv. According to economie.gouv, the tax administration analyzes the personal situation of each applicant and adapts its decision on a case-by-case basis.

To qualify for a free discount, you must meet several of these criteria:

However, these reasons “do not in themselves constitute sufficient criteria to benefit from a free discount”. The applicant’s tax reporting history may also be investigated. If the administration has not responded within two months, the request is considered rejected.