resim 110
resim 110

The tax filing campaign has begun! From this Thursday, April 7, the French can begin to declare their 2021 income. French households have until May 31 to do so in the event of a paper declaration, and between May 24 and June 8 for online declarations according to their residence departments. Indeed, Bercy has decided to postpone the deadline from May 19 to 31 and to grant 12 additional days to taxpayers who plan to file their tax return via the paper form. In question, the delays in sending the pre-filled document to certain users concerned. Note that this postponement of date also concerns French people residing abroad and be aware that the stamp of La Poste is proof of the dispatch on time.

As a reminder, online declaration of income is now mandatory, except if it is your first tax return, if the taxpayer’s domicile is located in a “white zone” or if you do not have is internet or are unable to complete the procedure online.

This year, faced with the record rise in fuel prices, there will be some new features, such as the revaluation of the mileage scale.

Indeed, faced with the rise in diesel and gasoline prices, the government has decided to increase this scale by 10% to help “the heart of the middle class”, according to the Ministry of the Economy. In practice, taxable French households will this year be able to deduct part of their fuel expenses as business expenses. According to the government, this measure should concern 4.3 million households declaring their actual costs, of which 2.5 million are actually taxed.

In addition, be aware that the Macron bonus, which has been extended in 2021, will be exempt from tax up to a limit of 1,000 euros for any employee earning less than three times the minimum wage (gross), and up to 2,000 euros for companies with less than 50 employees having concluded a profit-sharing agreement or promotion of so-called “second line” professions.

As every year, some French people will not have to pay tax in 2022. Indeed, only workers who earn enough money to be able to support such expenses are taxable. Of course, this is also true for the inactive, whether they are the unemployed, the long-term sick or retirees who have already liquidated their rights.

However, below a certain level of annual income, the tax administration decides to exempt certain taxpayers from paying tax. As a reminder, due to inflation at the end of this year 2021, the slices of the income tax scale will be increased by 1.4% for the taxation of income received in 2021. Objective: lower tax on the income to be paid by taxpayers and increase the purchasing power of the French.

The threshold for not paying tax in 2022 will be:

The General Directorate of Public Finance has warned taxpayers against certain scams. “Currently various scams are spreading by usurping the identity of the Directorate General of Public Finances (DGFiP)”, warns the tax administration on its site. Here are the 3 scams to avoid when you declare your income:

Above all, the tax service alerts on certain websites which refer to fraudulent surcharged numbers (in 0 899…, or 0891…) to reach the public finance centres. The DGFiP ensures that joining the Public Finance Centers is free and explains “do everything possible to have them closed”. If you wish to contact the tax information services for individuals about your tax return to find out which boxes to tick, the tax authorities remind you that the numbers to use are:

The DGFiP also warns of email scams with “sometimes false forms attached” which aim “to usurp the email addresses of the DGFiP” and which “target companies in particular”. The DGFiP invites you to be very vigilant about the content of the messages you receive and gives the various signs and details that can reveal that it is a fraudulent message:

If you have any doubts about the origin of this message, do not respond. In order to verify its origin, the DGFiP specifies that you can have access to the email address of your business tax service (SIE) on your tax notices or on the contact page of its site.

The third scam to which the tax authorities are alerting are fraudulent transfer order scams aimed particularly at companies and which “cause an employee to make a bank transfer to a fraudulent account, by usurping the identity of the real creditor”. Employees who declare their income are most often contacted by “mail, telephone or email”. These fraudsters favor sending emails that “include fraudulent bank details as attachments”. The employee is thus invited to “make a transfer on fraudulent bank identity statements”. According to the website, there are several types of transfer order fraud:

In order to recognize this type of scam, the DGFiP once again gives tips for not being trapped and knowing how to spot suspicious elements:

Watch your bank account, you could well have a good surprise. The refund of income tax overpayments begins this Tuesday, July 20. With the introduction of the withholding tax, some taxpayers were deducted from amounts that were too high compared to the real income declared to the tax authorities this spring. “This may be the case if, for example, your income has fallen and you have not reported it to the tax authorities or if you have delayed in declaring the birth of a child which entitles you to half a additional share”, specifies the General Directorate of Public Finance to BFMTV.

This concerns many taxpayers, rich or less rich, since last year, 14.5 million tax households benefited from these refunds. Reimbursements begin this July 20 and will then continue on Friday August 6. There are several scenarios in which you may be entitled to a tax refund. “This may be the case if, for example, your income has fallen and you have not reported it to the tax authorities or if you have delayed in declaring the birth of a child which entitles you to half a additional share”, specifies by way of example the tax authorities. Also affected by these refunds are taxpayers eligible for tax credits or reductions (home employment, childcare, etc.).

Note that if you are in this case, you just have to wait for a transfer from “DGFIP FINANCES PUBLIQUES” to appear on your account under the name “REMB IMPOT REVENUS”. Indeed, you do not have to do anything as long as the tax authorities have your bank details. Otherwise, do not panic, you will receive the overpayment of your taxes by check.

The first notices of housing tax will be sent this Wednesday, September 29. In practice, it is an email informing you of its availability in your online space on As the website of the Ministry of the Economy explains, “since 2018, the housing tax has been gradually decreasing for all French people”. Indeed, only 20% of French people have to pay it today. “In 2021, 80% of French people no longer pay it. For the remaining 20% ​​of households, the relief is 30% in 2021. It will be 65% in 2022. In 2023, no household will pay tax anymore. ‘dwelling on his principal residence’. Be careful, however, if you have a second home, you will continue to have to pay the housing tax. Note that those who have opted for the monthly payment will only receive their opinion around October 20.

But do you know how much you have to earn not to pay the housing tax?

Here are the income ceilings not to be exceeded according to information from Bercy:

Last days to complete your tax return. The tax return campaign that began on April 8 is nearing its end. For the few people still authorized to file their declaration using a paper form, taxpayers who do not have the Internet or who do not master computer tools, the deadline was set for 20 May at midnight to submit it to their public finances. For the rest of the taxpayers who declare their income online, the deadlines for declaring your income vary according to your department and extend until June 8. Taxpayers living in departments from 01 to 19 had until May 26, while those living in departments from 20 to 54 have until midnight on Tuesday, June 1 to complete their tax return. If you do not do so by then, you expose yourself to the payment of late payment penalties.

For departments ranging from n°55 to 974/976, the deadline for filing your tax return is Tuesday, June 8 at 11:59 p.m. This will be the last deadline before receiving penalties.

Thus, if your department is between 01 (Ain) and 19 (Corrèze), you have until May 26 to complete your tax return. For departments ranging from 20 (Corsica) to 54 (Meurthe-et-Moselle), the deadline is June 1 to declare your income. Finally, for departments ranging from number 55 (Meuse) to 976 (Mayotte), the deadline is June 8, 2021. This year to simplify the process for taxpayers, Bercy has decided to update its mobile application impots.gouv . “Eligible users will be able to view their automatic declaration, which is a major step forward, especially for young workers”, assured Bercy in particular last March in a press release. “Completely revised, it provides better performance and greater navigation comfort”, details the government site.

Via the application, you will also be able to consult your tax returns, but also your notices of income tax, housing tax or even property tax. You can also pay these and refer to the history of your last payments made online. Updating your profile (email, password, telephone number, dematerialization options) is also available. In addition to a more modern and simpler presentation for the user, the new application allows in particular a simplified payment, a more secure connection thanks to facial recognition or fingerprints.

Please note, as France 3 reminds us, not everything is possible on the application. For example, it is impossible to modify your withholding tax rate, you have to go to your Personal Space on

As Capital recalls, last spring, the government announced the introduction of a simplified pre-filled declaration called simplified declaration. Objective: to facilitate the formalities of the 12 million taxpayers who must declare their income. All the information held by the administration is pre-filled there. If you have had a birth, adoption, taken in an adult child or received child support, you are eligible. You will receive an email from Bercy inviting you to check the information on your personal space on It is very important to check everything.

This year with the health crisis, teleworking costs will be exempt “within the annual limit of 550 euros” if you have benefited from the payment of a specific allowance by your company. If you have chosen to deduct your actual expenses, you also benefit from an income tax exemption for your professional expenses up to 550 euros per year when your activity “was carried out in the form of teleworking at home”.

Be careful when completing your 2021 tax return. Since 2018, taxpayers can choose the taxation of income from their investments. As Mieux Vivre Votre Argent reminds us, you can therefore choose, each year, between “a fixed rate of 30% (12.8% for the single flat-rate deduction (PFU) and 17.2% for social security contributions) and the scale progressive income tax (IR)”. Depending on the economic site, the choice is adapted to each person’s income and level of taxation. Impossible, therefore, to say which is the best without studying each specific situation.

According to the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Recovery, more than eight million people concerned did not check the “2OP” box when it would have been beneficial to them. Moreover, 10% of these taxpayers could have saved at least 120 euros. During their 2021 press conference, Bercy specified: “In the online declaration (Editor’s note: for the year 2020), we informed users eligible for scale taxation in cases where they forgot to tick the 2OP box. They could correct as many times as they came back to their statement online.”

In comments reported by Better Living Your Money, Bercy specifies that the 2OP box is checked by default for those who chose this option last year, in order to avoid oversights. “And if the device is no longer favorable to them, we also tell them”, we specify. You can therefore rely on the advice of the tax authorities to leave this box checked or not, whether your declaration is in digital or paper format. Online, you can find this box “on the Summary-Signature screen, next to the tax amount”.

Savings of more than 225 million euros. Here is the sum that 8.1 million tax households could have made last year, if they had taken the trouble to tick the 2OP box on the tax return, according to estimates from the Le Revenu website.

Indeed, this box, which often goes unnoticed, can make you pay less tax than expected. Instead of the single flat-rate levy (PFU or “flat tax”) of 30% including 17.2% social security contributions, it allows you to submit all the income from your investments to progressive income tax: earnings from savings accounts banks, stock dividends, capital gains, bond coupons, etc.

In 2019, 20% of tax households did not bother to tick this box. Yet they had every interest in it. This is revealed in a publication in the Official Journal of February 25, published as part of a ministerial response. As part of the right to error, the Ministry of Action and Public Accounts invites taxpayers who have not chosen scale taxation in 2019 to rectify the situation by “formulating a request from their secure space on taxes

The tax filing campaign has begun! From this Thursday, April 7, the French can start declaring their 2021 income. French households have until May 19 to do so in the event of a paper declaration, and between May 24 and June 8 for online declarations according to their departments of residence. This year, faced with the record rise in fuel prices, there will be some new features, such as the revaluation of the mileage scale.

Indeed, faced with the rise in diesel and gasoline prices, the government has decided to increase this scale by 10% to help “the heart of the middle class”, according to the Ministry of the Economy. In practice, taxable French households will this year be able to deduct part of their fuel expenses as business expenses. According to the government, this measure should concern 4.3 million households declaring their actual costs, of which 2.5 million are actually taxed.

In addition, be aware that the Macron bonus, which has been extended in 2021, will be exempt from tax up to a limit of 1,000 euros for any employee earning less than three times the minimum wage (gross), and up to 2,000 euros for companies with less than 50 employees having concluded a profit-sharing agreement or promotion of so-called “second line” professions.

As every year, some French people will not have to pay tax in 2022. Indeed, only workers who earn enough money to be able to support such expenses are taxable. Of course, this is also true for the inactive, whether they are the unemployed, the long-term sick or retirees who have already liquidated their rights.

However, below a certain level of annual income, the tax administration decides to exempt certain taxpayers from paying tax. As a reminder, due to inflation at the end of this year 2021, the slices of the income tax scale will be increased by 1.4% for the taxation of income received in 2021. Objective: lower tax on the income to be paid by taxpayers and increase the purchasing power of the French.

The threshold for not paying tax in 2022 will be:

The General Directorate of Public Finance has warned taxpayers against certain scams. “Currently various scams are spreading by usurping the identity of the Directorate General of Public Finances (DGFiP)”, warns the tax administration on its site. Here are the 3 scams to avoid when you declare your income:

Above all, the tax service alerts on certain websites which refer to fraudulent surcharged numbers (in 0 899…, or 0891…) to reach the public finance centres. The DGFiP ensures that joining the Public Finance Centers is free and explains “do everything possible to have them closed”. If you wish to contact the tax information services for individuals about your tax return to find out which boxes to tick, the tax authorities remind you that the numbers to use are:

The DGFiP also warns of email scams with “sometimes false forms attached” which aim “to usurp the email addresses of the DGFiP” and which “target companies in particular”. The DGFiP invites you to be very vigilant about the content of the messages you receive and gives the various signs and details that can reveal that it is a fraudulent message:

If you have any doubts about the origin of this message, do not respond. In order to verify its origin, the DGFiP specifies that you can have access to the email address of your business tax service (SIE) on your tax notices or on the contact page of its site.

The third scam to which the tax authorities are alerting are fraudulent transfer order scams aimed particularly at companies and which “cause an employee to make a bank transfer to a fraudulent account, by usurping the identity of the real creditor”. Employees who declare their income are most often contacted by “mail, telephone or email”. These fraudsters favor sending emails that “include fraudulent bank details as attachments”. The employee is thus invited to “make a transfer on fraudulent bank identity statements”. According to the website, there are several types of transfer order fraud:

In order to recognize this type of scam, the DGFiP once again gives tips for not being trapped and knowing how to spot suspicious elements:

Watch your bank account, you could well have a good surprise. The refund of income tax overpayments begins this Tuesday, July 20. With the introduction of the withholding tax, some taxpayers were deducted from amounts that were too high compared to the real income declared to the tax authorities this spring. “This may be the case if, for example, your income has fallen and you have not reported it to the tax authorities or if you have delayed in declaring the birth of a child which entitles you to half a additional share”, specifies the General Directorate of Public Finance to BFMTV.

This concerns many taxpayers, rich or less rich, since last year, 14.5 million tax households benefited from these refunds. Reimbursements begin this July 20 and will then continue on Friday August 6. There are several scenarios in which you may be entitled to a tax refund. “This may be the case if, for example, your income has fallen and you have not reported it to the tax authorities or if you have delayed in declaring the birth of a child which entitles you to half a additional share”, specifies by way of example the tax authorities. Also affected by these refunds are taxpayers eligible for tax credits or reductions (home employment, childcare, etc.).

Note that if you are in this case, you just have to wait for a transfer from “DGFIP FINANCES PUBLIQUES” to appear on your account under the name “REMB IMPOT REVENUS”. Indeed, you do not have to do anything as long as the tax authorities have your bank details. Otherwise, do not panic, you will receive the overpayment of your taxes by check.

The first notices of housing tax will be sent this Wednesday, September 29. In practice, it is an email informing you of its availability in your online space on As the website of the Ministry of the Economy explains, “since 2018, the housing tax has been gradually decreasing for all French people”. Indeed, only 20% of French people have to pay it today. “In 2021, 80% of French people no longer pay it. For the remaining 20% ​​of households, the relief is 30% in 2021. It will be 65% in 2022. In 2023, no household will pay tax anymore. ‘dwelling on his principal residence’. Be careful, however, if you have a second home, you will continue to have to pay the housing tax. Note that those who have opted for the monthly payment will only receive their opinion around October 20.

But do you know how much you have to earn not to pay the housing tax?

Here are the income ceilings not to be exceeded according to information from Bercy:

Last days to complete your tax return. The tax return campaign that began on April 8 is nearing its end. For the few people still authorized to file their declaration using a paper form, taxpayers who do not have the Internet or who do not master computer tools, the deadline was set for 20 May at midnight to submit it to their public finances. For the rest of the taxpayers who declare their income online, the deadlines for declaring your income vary according to your department and extend until June 8. Taxpayers living in departments from 01 to 19 had until May 26, while those living in departments from 20 to 54 have until midnight on Tuesday, June 1 to complete their tax return. If you do not do so by then, you expose yourself to the payment of late payment penalties.

For departments ranging from n°55 to 974/976, the deadline for filing your tax return is Tuesday, June 8 at 11:59 p.m. This will be the last deadline before receiving penalties.

Thus, if your department is between 01 (Ain) and 19 (Corrèze), you have until May 26 to complete your tax return. For departments ranging from 20 (Corsica) to 54 (Meurthe-et-Moselle), the deadline is June 1 to declare your income. Finally, for departments ranging from number 55 (Meuse) to 976 (Mayotte), the deadline is June 8, 2021. This year to simplify the process for taxpayers, Bercy has decided to update its mobile application impots.gouv . “Eligible users will be able to view their automatic declaration, which is a major step forward, especially for young workers”, assured Bercy in particular last March in a press release. “Completely revised, it provides better performance and greater navigation comfort”, details the government site.

Via the application, you will also be able to consult your tax returns, but also your notices of income tax, housing tax or even property tax. You can also pay these and refer to the history of your last payments made online. Updating your profile (email, password, telephone number, dematerialization options) is also available. In addition to a more modern and simpler presentation for the user, the new application allows in particular a simplified payment, a more secure connection thanks to facial recognition or fingerprints.

Please note, as France 3 reminds us, not everything is possible on the application. For example, it is impossible to modify your withholding tax rate, you have to go to your Personal Space on

As Capital recalls, last spring, the government announced the introduction of a simplified pre-filled declaration called simplified declaration. Objective: to facilitate the formalities of the 12 million taxpayers who must declare their income. All the information held by the administration is pre-filled there. If you have had a birth, adoption, taken in an adult child or received child support, you are eligible. You will receive an email from Bercy inviting you to check the information on your personal space on It is very important to check everything.

This year with the health crisis, teleworking costs will be exempt “within the annual limit of 550 euros” if you have benefited from the payment of a specific allowance by your company. If you have chosen to deduct your actual expenses, you also benefit from an income tax exemption for your professional expenses up to 550 euros per year when your activity “was carried out in the form of teleworking at home”.

Be careful when completing your 2021 tax return. Since 2018, taxpayers can choose the taxation of income from their investments. As Mieux Vivre Votre Argent reminds us, you can therefore choose, each year, between “a fixed rate of 30% (12.8% for the single flat-rate deduction (PFU) and 17.2% for social security contributions) and the scale progressive income tax (IR)”. Depending on the economic site, the choice is adapted to each person’s income and level of taxation. Impossible, therefore, to say which is the best without studying each specific situation.

According to the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Recovery, more than eight million people concerned did not check the “2OP” box when it would have been beneficial to them. Moreover, 10% of these taxpayers could have saved at least 120 euros. During their 2021 press conference, Bercy specified: “In the online declaration (Editor’s note: for the year 2020), we informed users eligible for scale taxation in cases where they forgot to tick the 2OP box. They could correct as many times as they came back to their statement online.”

In comments reported by Better Living Your Money, Bercy specifies that the 2OP box is checked by default for those who chose this option last year, in order to avoid oversights. “And if the device is no longer favorable to them, we also tell them”, we specify. You can therefore rely on the advice of the tax authorities to leave this box checked or not, whether your declaration is in digital or paper format. Online, you can find this box “on the Summary-Signature screen, next to the tax amount”.

Savings of more than 225 million euros. Here is the sum that 8.1 million tax households could have made last year, if they had taken the trouble to tick the 2OP box on the tax return, according to estimates from the Le Revenu website.

Indeed, this box, which often goes unnoticed, can make you pay less tax than expected. Instead of the single flat-rate levy (PFU or “flat tax”) of 30% including 17.2% social security contributions, it allows you to submit all the income from your investments to progressive income tax: earnings from savings accounts banks, stock dividends, capital gains, bond coupons, etc.

In 2019, 20% of tax households did not bother to tick this box. Yet they had every interest in it. This is revealed in a publication in the Official Journal of February 25, published as part of a ministerial response. As part of the right to error, the Ministry of Action and Public Accounts invites taxpayers who have not chosen scale taxation in 2019 to rectify the situation by “formulating a request from their secure space on taxes