resim 112
resim 112

The year 2022 brings with it a number of tax changes. Indeed, as Planet has already explained, a significant number of taxpayers should benefit from a reduction in their income tax by December 31. This is the result of the traditional revision of the scale, which occurs every year. This time, it takes into account the inflation observed in 2021 and revalues ​​by 1.4% the threshold for entry into each marginal tax bracket (TMI). Concretely, this means that at an equivalent income level, it is possible to go down to see your tax rate drop.

But what slices are we talking about, exactly?

The new income tax scale is accessible at any time from the public service website. Here it is :

Good news for taxpayers! According to information from Le Parisien, the General Directorate of Public Finance (DGFiP) has postponed the deadline for filing the paper declaration to May 31, 2022, against the 19 initially. The cause ? The delay in sending pre-filled tax returns in paper format. As a reminder, only people who do not have internet access at home, as well as those who do not know how to use a computer, can still declare their income via this paper format.