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resim 643

With the end of year celebrations approaching, the problems of the past year seem almost already placed in the past as 2024 looms. However, if this period of festivities stands out as a cheerful interlude, these few days can can also be used to optimize your tax year and reduce your expected income tax next summer. Here are the ten reflexes that you can always put in place.

The end of the year is often a period of rest, respite and taking stock of the last twelve months. In this context conducive to introspection and gatherings with family or friends, it can however be useful to plan for the coming year, especially when it is directly linked to the current year. For example, in the context of taxation, you have the possibility of planning certain procedures before the end of December, which will greatly facilitate your life during your next tax return. If your last statement left you with a bitter memory, the one that is coming could be more appreciable by putting in place the right actions.

To improve your tax year, several actions can be taken and have an impact on your future tax return. For example, it is essential to keep precise supporting documents to guarantee information, but also to observe everything that could be imposed on you on your declaration. It is better, in fact, to list the amounts paid and received, while taking advantage of the advantages that could be brought to you at the tax level. To help you carry out these steps, discover, in our slideshow, the ten reflexes to put in place by the end of the year.