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In times of crisis, the State makes every effort to limit the loss of money as much as possible… And this involves, among other things, much stricter controls on tax evasion. In 2021, the government would have collected more than 10,000 billion euros thanks to tax audits, according to our colleagues from Figaro.

There are some things that alert tax administrators. Their protocol requires, in certain cases, to carry out checks which, if the person checked is found to be at fault or to have made an error, can lead to tax adjustments with sometimes high notes.

If you have not made your tax declaration on time, or if you practice an occult activity, that is to say that you do not declare it systematically, you incur an 80% increase in your tax. If your declaration is found to be deliberately incomplete, that you have omitted the declaration or underestimated the value of one of your goods or one of your taxable incomes, you incur various tax penalties depending on the situation.

An increase of 40% will be applied if the oversight is voluntary, and 80% if there is abuse of right. This 80% will be reduced to 40% in the event that you are not the main beneficiary of the operation, or that you are not at the initiative of the process. Finally, your tax will be subject to an increase of 80% in the event of fraudulent action. In addition to these increases, interest amounting to 0.20% per month will be applied in the event of late payment of the sums due, according to the Public Service website.

Find below the 10 situations in which tax officials are likely to make inquiries, according to Le Figaro. These leads come from the expertise of Olivier Rozenfeld, tax lawyer, and are reported by Le Figaro.