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The start of a new year means renewal for everyone! The good resolutions that we commit to keeping are characteristic of this feeling of a new beginning. But these changes are not only taking place at the individual level, the Gregorian calendar also gives rhythm to the administrative and governmental organization of the country. Indeed, many systems start from January 1 or, on the contrary, come to an end.

It is always good to be able to anticipate these types of changes, which have a significant impact on our daily lives. Increase in the price of certain services, discontinuation or changes in the terms of certain aid or even revaluation of social benefits: the changes are numerous, and we find them in almost all spheres of life, civic and personal.

The conclusions of the finance bill for 2023 have a lot to do with the changes to come. Indeed, after many negotiations, and no less than a dozen appeals to Article 49, paragraph 3 of the Constitution, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne had the text adopted. The key: the downward modification, or even the total cessation of several measures that were adopted during the year as part of the legislative package “for purchasing power”.

Conversely, a few “boosts” from the State in certain contexts are emerging. Indeed, these nudges aim to encourage the French to act in a certain way rather than another, especially with regard to more or less ecological reflexes.

Find below the list of all the changes that will take place from January 1, according to here.