A member of the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats has resigned his mandate after singing “Foreigners out” at an EU election party. The party announced this on Monday, according to the news agency TT. Swedish parliamentarian David Lång sang the anti-immigration lyrics to the party hit “L’amour toujours” at the event on Sunday evening. This can be heard on an audio recording from the Swedish newspaper “Expressen”.

Recently, there have been repeated incidents in which racist slogans were sung to the Eurodance song by Gigi D’Agostino. In Germany, a video caused a stir, showing young people in a bar on the island of Sylt chanting “Germany for the Germans, foreigners out” to the song.

In the audio recording from the Sweden Democrats’ election party after the EU elections, “L’amour toujours” can be heard in the background while the “Expressen” reporter interviews a member of the party. The interview is interrupted by David Lång singing “Foreigners out, foreigners out”. Lång can then be heard saying “Oh shit” and asking if the reporter recorded it.

According to a statement from the party, the group leader of the Sweden Democrats, Linda Lindberg, said she had asked Lång to resign his mandate. He said he had heard the song on social media. “I now understand that the lyrics were sung in a context that I had no detailed knowledge of until now,” Lang said, according to the statement. He was sorry if he had offended anyone.