resim 176
resim 176

A 14-year-old had tumors, some of which were already visible on the outside. The girl’s parents sought help from healers until it was far too late.

A 14-year-old in Austria had to die a painful death. Her parents were sentenced to a suspended sentence of twelve months by the Klagenfurt regional court

The verdict was handed down on Wednesday (May 15) for torturing or neglecting minors, younger or defenseless people. The young person was not informed about her illness. Instead of doctors, the parents took their daughter to see energeticians, hand-laying artists and shamanic healers. The 14-year-old only came to the hospital when it was far too late, they said.

“Due to a lack of competent information from specialist staff, the girl was unable to get any idea of ​​how the whole thing was going on,” said the judge. Death was not discussed with the 14-year-old; she herself repeatedly said that her horse would heal her. Although the 14-year-old has a right to self-determination, it is the parents’ obligation to promote the child’s well-being as best as possible. That didn’t happen.

The girl was admitted to the Graz Clinic in February 2023. The emaciated child had several tumors throughout her body, which had serious consequences. Among other things, the 14-year-old suffered from jaundice, she could no longer swallow and was afraid of suffocation because one of the tumors was pressing on her esophagus and trachea.

“The child came to us already dying. And in a condition that I have never seen in 35 years as a doctor. The tumors were even visible from the outside,” explained a doctor invited as a witness.

Since she was 19, Anouk has been unable to eat without pain without vomiting. Doctors diagnosed Dunbar syndrome. The 25-year-old explains how much it limits her – but she doesn’t give up hope.

A group of young people is said to have attacked two men in Magdeburg in Saxony-Anhalt, one of whom died. The victim died from life-threatening injuries, police said on Wednesday.