Survivor describes crash in Pakistan
Survivor describes crash in Pakistan

Flight accident in Pakistan – Survivor crash in PakistanNach describes the plane crash in a residential area in Karachi, the flight recorder has been recovered. Several of the passengers have survived.oli/sdaAn Board the passenger plane were 99 people. A guy crying at the site of the crash in Karachi. (22. May 2020)photo: Anadolu Agency/

After the crash of a passenger plane in a residential area in Pakistan, the flight recorder has been recovered. This will now be the Commission of inquiry passed, a spokesman of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) announced on Sunday. According to information from the Ministry of health of the province of Sindh 97 of the 99 inmates came to his life in the accident. The machine had left on Friday, a swath of destruction, as they crashed just minutes before landing in the city of Karachi. The rescue work continued on Sunday.

A Survivor portrayed in television, the dramatic moments of the crash. “The people panicked and began to pray out loud,” said Muhammad Zubair, the channel “Geo TV” on the evening after the crash of the Airbus A320. “The Pilot held the plane for the next ten to fifteen minutes in the air and made a second announcement to the landing, but the plane crashed,” said Zubair. Everywhere the fire had been to see. “Everywhere, cries of children, adults and older people were listening to.” He had freed himself and jumped from about a height of three metres from the wreck.

people gather at the site of the plane crash in Karachi. (22. May 2020)image: video excerpt/Keystone

Zubair was one of two Survivors of the plane crash in the South of Pakistan. He suffered burns, was dismissed according to the authorities, but on Sunday already out of the hospital. Images showed shortly after the disaster, a picture of the devastation. Residents in the city of the “Model Colony” rushed to help and searched for Survivors. The scene of the incident was only about two kilometers from the runway at a distance.

people were pulled from the rubble of collapsed building, while firefighters fires fought. The densely populated port city in the South of Pakistan has around 14 million inhabitants. According to the Ministry of health of the province of Sindh so far, 34 passengers were identified and a minimum of 45 DNA samples of members taken. The process could take weeks, it said.

Eight local residents were injured in the crash. The Pakistan International Airlines operated Airbus with the flight number PK8303 was on Friday on the way from the Eastern city of Lahore to Karachi. According to the figures 91 passengers and 8 crew members were on Board of the machine.

A member of the security forces in front of the wreckage in the living quarters, where the Airbus A320 crashed. (22. May 2020)photo: Shazaib Akber/Keystone

An exact cause of the crash on Sunday was not known. Shortly before the crash the Pilot had reported to the Tower technical problems of the machine, – said the head of the concerned Airline PIA, Arshad Malik. Radio messages indicated a failure of the engines of the machine. Eyewitnesses told local television stations that they saw the plane to the airport in circles before it crashed in the residential area.

Pakistan’s air transport Minister, Ghulam Sarwar Khan announced on Saturday additional compensation for the families of the victims. A Million Pakistani rupees (the equivalent of about 5700 euros) to relatives in addition to insurance amounts for each Deceased will receive. The two Survivors were to receive half of the amount. Also, the residents of the crash site, whose houses were destroyed, should be compensated.

The government has promised a full investigation. A four-member Delegation under the supervision of the air force will reconstruct therefore the accident and the first results within a month present. On Sunday they visited for the first Time the accident to collect evidence. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed for the Victims and families his condolences. Also, German Chancellor Angela Merkel sent condolences to Pakistan.

Volunteers looking for Survivors. (22. May 2020)photo: Fareed Khan/Keystone

The crash took place just a week after the decision of the Pakistani authorities, the air traffic in the domestic resume. Because of the Corona-pandemic international flights in the South Asian country are suspended until the end of the month.

in the year of 2016, there was a crash of a plane of the national airline, PIA, with around 50 dead. In 2012, 127 people were killed in the crash of a machine, a small private Airline on the way from Karachi to Islamabad. In 2010, a Airbus crashed before landing in the capital, Islamabad, all 152 occupants were killed in the accident were killed.