Survey on car use Many Germans want to have anything to do with car sharing
Survey on car use Many Germans want to have anything to do with car sharing

In the past years, the speech was often assumed that cars attraction, lose, and more and more people are willing to make use of vehicles by car-sharing, but to not have even. A survey by the consulting company Arthur D. Little licence-holders around the world now comes to a more differentiated result. Accordingly, it has changed, for example, the attitude of the German to own a car in the recent past.

Martin Gropp

editor in the economy.

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For nearly half of the 44-year-old licence holders in this country, it is still important to have a car. In the higher age, the importance decreases. Of the 45 to 60 year-old respondents, almost one third of looks at the car ownership as important, among the more than 60-year-old survey participants is 25 percent. For the analysis, the consultant interviewed 1040 German. In a survey three years ago, the car received rates in all age groups, similar Approval.

car-sharing remains a niche

at the same time, only a minority of respondents car sharing in Germany and elsewhere. Three-quarters of the total of 8000 respondents from 13 countries said that none of the car-sharing service to register. Around 16 percent are logged into a service, more than 9 percent when two or more services. The actual use of sun, however, numbers under this Registration, it is said of Arthur D. Little. To share the car an edge phenomenon is therefore.

“In the public perception of car sharing is often a focus. But it is for many people still important to have a car“, says Klaus Schmitz, Partner at Arthur D. Little and co-initiator of the survey. “To share vehicles with other a niche. That will only change when cars are actually Autonomous. Then, car-sharing, other modes of transport will cut through with the water.“

This shows, according to the consultants in the survey results concerning the possible use of Autonomous vehicles in the future: 44 percent of respondents would use a standalone and with other shared car for short journeys and the car. Around a third would replace it with Autonomous cars to the public transport, 22 percent of taxi trips.

Less trust in Autonomous Driving

However, automated cars have the least trust lost. So 64 percent of the respondents indicated three years ago that fully Autonomous cars would “definitely” or “maybe”. In this year’s survey, this proportion reached an average of the 13 countries, 57 per cent. In Germany, half of the people is just ready, in a fully Autonomous car, still less are they in comparison with other countries only in France, where 47 percent of the respondents automated cars trust.